Spicer Reservoir Update

Spicer Meadow Reservoir - Bear Valley, CA (Tuolumne County)

by Ebbetts Pass Sporting Goods

Spicer Reservoir road is washed out and not due to open till December 2018. The road just past Sourgrass is washed out. You can go on the US Forestry Department website to see the road closures and the tentative completion date. We will still have an awesome fishing this year. Don't let these closures affect your year. There will still be places to fish and camp.

More Reports

Ebbetts Pass Sporting Goods Reports
for Monday, June 5th, 2017

White Pines Lakes: White Pines Lakes Fish Report
Stanislaus River - North Fork: North Fork Stanislaus River FIsh Report

Ebbetts Pass Sporting Goods Reports
for Sunday, May 21st, 2017

White Pines Lakes: White Pines Lake Fish Report
Alpine Lake: Lake Alpine Update
Spicer Meadow Reservoir: Spicer Reservoir Update
Stanislaus River - North Fork: North Fork Stanislaus Report
Beaver Creek: Beaver Creek running high
Angels Creek: Angels Creek Update