Lovely Martha Fish Count Update


by Mike Rescino
(650) 619-6629

Today Lovely Martha ran a half day trip in the San Fransisco Bay. They had 27 anglers catching 12 halibut to 17 pounds and 6 striped bass to 6 pounds. They have lots of room available tomorrow, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday for a half day halibut and bass trip in the bay. For any other information or to book a reservation call Mike at (650) 619-6629.

The Lovely Martha is slipped up in San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf. If you would like to go fishing on the Lovely Martha please call Mike Rescino at (650) 619-6629. If you would like any additional information please visit the Lovely Martha's WEBSITE.

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Today Lovely Martha ran a half day halifbut and bass trip in the San Fransisco Bay with 15 anglers with...... Read More

Today Lovely Martha had 12 anglers on a half day private charter in the bay catching 6 halibut to 25 pounds and 1 stripped bass. ...... Read More