Sacramento River (lower) Report 03-07-2007

Sacramento River - CA

by The Fly Shop

Water Conditions: (USE LINK AT TOP OF PAGE FOR REAL TIME FLOWS) The caddis are hatching, the caddis are hatching! Flows are at 4500 cfs. Low flows + warm weather = blanket caddis hatch on the Lower Sac, and the trout know it. We're seeing good numbers of trout rising to dries from 11:00 to 3:00 every day. The best nymph fishing is before and after the hatch.

Fishing Conditions & Hatches: Look for trout rising to dry flies in the shallow tailouts at the head of big riffles during the middle of the day. The most productive nymphing water is in the riffles and along the dropoffs.

Flies: Top flies lately: Nymphs: #12 Micro Spawn (Oregon Cheese) #16 Amber Wing Prince Nymph #16 Z-wing Caddis #16 King Prince #16 Zug Bug #16...just about anything size 16 that imitates an olive-colored caddis pupae!! Dry Flies: #14-16 Elk Hair Caddis, Olive or black #14-16 E/C Caddis, Olive

The Fly Shop's Tips: Our guides have fished this river for years...decades actually. We're on this river EVERY DAY that it is fishable, from 35,000 cfs to 3,500 cfs, from rain, snow and sleet to 115 degrees. The Fly Shop's guides wrote the book on nymph fishing the Lower Sacramento River. We've been fishing this section of river for over 25 years now!! During that time, we've found that the best technique, by far, is slack-line nymphing with a strike indicator. Long, natural, drag-free drifts are essential. Please take special care not to fish on or around spawning trout. A great rule of thumb for the Lower Sac is if you can see them you shouldn't be fishing for them. At least for the spring. Common courtesy at times is the only vehicle for education. Be a good ambassador for the river and set an example of politeness.