Quite a Few Females in the River this Year

Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley) - Eastern Sierra, CA (Mono County)

Another nice rainbow here!

by Doug Rodricks
(760) 935-4250

It has been very cold here in the last week with plenty of snow on the ground for running the snowmobiles but tough access for 4-wheel vehicles to get in. Most have been parking at the bridge and walking in, but keep in mind there is now about 2-3 feet of snow all along the river, so it can be a tough trek. The fish are moving around with all the storm activity recently, so they can be heavy in specific pools and lighter in others. We have seen quite a few females in the river this year which is good news for the new generations of these wild rainbows. 6mm Otter Eggs in Tangerine Opaque, Kiwi Flash, Dead Egg, and Apricot, #14-16 San Juan worm red and Bead San Juan Worm red, #14-16 Level Crystal Leeches, #14-16 Parallel Assassin Dark and Light, and #16 Broken Back Copper Tiger Midge are lighting up the fish!

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