Big Game Application Assistance

by Nevada Department of Wildlife

The Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) wants to make the big game application process as simple as possible for you. We will have staff answering phones to help you from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day of the week. Call (855) 542-6369 with questions.

Remember you can edit your hunt choices anytime before the deadline 11 p.m on April 29. If you decide you want to edit your choices, simply log back into your account, and change the hunt units you wish to change.

To apply for Nevada’s Big Game Draw visit

More Reports

Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, March 27th, 2019
Lake Mead: Fishing is Picking Up
Lake Mohave: Willow Beach Good Action For Rainbows
Colorado River - Laughlin: Striper Action is Picking Up
Las Vegas Urban Ponds: Trout Action Won't Last Long
Kirch Wildlife Management Area: Best Trout Fishing Takes Place Between Early March and June
Eagle Valley Reservoir: Roads Are Officially Reopened
Echo Canyon Reservoir: Limited Shoreline Access

Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Friday, March 22nd, 2019
: Eastern Nevada NDOW Report 3-22-2019
Cave Lake: 9 to 13 Inch Trout Being Caught
Comins Lake: Quality Trout Catches 16 to 20 Inch Range
Cold Creek Reservoir: Lake is Ice Free
Illipah Reservoir: Reservoir Rebounding From Irrigation and Evaporation