Rogue River- Lower Fish Report for 4-4-2019
Early Spring Chinook
Rogue River- Lower - Gold Beach, OR

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Winter steelhead season is in full swing on the lower Rogue. Anglers have had success from the shore and from boats. From side-drifting or back-bouncing roe to plugs and spinners, multiple fishing techniques will do the trick when it comes to this river. Anglers may want to consider plunking with plugs or a Spin-n-Glo during higher water events. As the water drops, anglers typically switch to side drifting with eggs or tossing spinners. One wild steelhead at least 24-inches may be harvested per day and three per year as part of a daily and annual salmon/steelhead bag limit.
There have been spotty reports of early spring Chinook. Hatchery Chinook may be retained year-round. Wild Chinook opens for retention June 1.
This spring, ODFW is conducting a genetic study on wild chinook by collecting fin tissue samples. Anglers interested in learning more and participating in this project can contact ODFW staff at 541-247-7605.
The Rogue is open for rainbow trout through March 31; 5/day. Wild rainbow and cutthroat trout must be released.
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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
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