Bigger Rainbows Are Making Their Way Back To The Lake

Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley) - Eastern Sierra, CA (Mono County)

Steve Needham gets it done before the wind struck and tight line nymphed up this sweet rainbow!
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Sierra Drifters

by Doug Rodricks
(760) 935-4250

Most of the bigger rainbows are making their way back to the lake. The ones you find that are holding up in the pools are still on the bite. You can get lucky and catch some trophies feeding mid-day in the shallows and the snow melt has picked up the tannins along the banks and is depositing it in the water. We were very lucky to get an extended season on snow bows this year as the fish stayed in the river through April. Some nice browns have entered the river as well. Try our Hi- Vis Blue Wing Olive in size #16-18 when you see them breaking the surface. 6mm Otter Eggs in Tangerine Opaque, Kiwi Flash, Dead Egg, and Apricot, #14-16 San Juan worm red and Bead San Juan Worm red, #14-16 Level Crystal Leeches, #14-16 Parallel Assassin Dark and Light, and #16 Broken Back Copper Tiger Midge are good calls now. Try our #16-18 Hi-Vis BWO’s in the afternoons.

More Reports

Sierra Drifters Reports
for Tuesday, April 16th, 2019
: Warmer Days of Spring Has Cleared Up The Snow
Owens River - Middle: Flows Are Too High For Wading Right Now
Hot Creek: Bite Has Been Really Good
East Walker River (CA): Fish Have Moved All Over The River
Pyramid Lake: Consistent Bite in The Afternoon

Sierra Drifters Reports
for Thursday, April 4th, 2019
Pyramid Lake: Pyramid Lake is On
East Walker River (CA): Increased Flow Moved Fish All Over The River