Willamette River CST FK Fish Report for 9-11-2019
Middle Fork WIllamette River Fishing Report
Willamette River CST FK - (Lane County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Alert! – Old Barnard Bridge over the Middle Fork Willamette River west of Oakridge is closed through Oct. 1 for underwater debris removal and bridge repair. The river will remain closed at river mile 225 during this time. Please visit Oregon Marine Board’s Interactive Boat Oregon Map for more information. It is still possible to launch a drift boat or raft in on the North Fork Middle Fork Willamette River just downstream of the construction site if needed, but may require dragging the boat a bit.
The Middle Fork Willamette River is open to bait below Dexter Dam only. Reminder: Restrictions from Dexter Dam to approximately 700 feet downstream to the markers: No angling from the north shore, from a floating device, or while wading (page 44 in regulations). This river reach is open to retention of adipose fin-clipped salmon and steelhead and non-adipose fin-clipped steelhead greater than 24-inches long.
A Columbia River Basin Endorsement is required for anglers targeting salmon and steelhead in the Middle Fork Willamette below Dexter Dam.
The Middle Fork Willamette above Lookout Point and Hills Creek reservoirs is open to fishing using lures and artificial flies. All wild trout must be released upstream of Lookout Point Reservoir. The Middle Fork Willamette River is not stocked with hatchery trout.
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