The Bigs Have Been Coming Out To Play!

East Walker River (CA) - Bridgeport, CA

Mike Del Pero fished with Devin Preston and scored this East Walker fish of the month! Congrats to both Devin and Mike for this one!
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Sierra Drifters

by Doug Rodricks
(760) 935-4250

The bigs have been coming out to play here as the river has settled into an excellent flow rate of 227 cfs. There are big fish showing up in all areas of the river. They are spread out from the dam all the way past the “mile section”. For those in “the know”, some of the usual hot spots are holding, big time! Use enough weight to get your offerings at the right depth, and don’t be afraid to adjust the indicator, weight combination, and flies frequently.

Best Flies: B100FB – 18, 20; Crystal Copper Tiger Midge -16; Crystal Zebra Midge – 16, 18; Punk Perch Light and Dark – 14, 16; Parallel Punk Perch Light and Dark; Crystal Leech – 12, 14, 16; Agent Orange 12, 14, 16; Parallel Agent Orange – 14.

More Reports

Sierra Drifters Reports
for Friday, September 27th, 2019

Crowley Lake: Fishing is Off The Hook!
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Hot Creek: Excellent Bite Here
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Sierra Drifters Reports
for Tuesday, September 17th, 2019

East Walker River (CA): Flows Have Come Down to Excellent Levels
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley): Flows on Upper Owens is 111 cfs
Hot Creek: Open Water Areas Are Holding Some Good Fish
Owens River - Middle: Flows Are Raging
Crowley Lake: Crowley Lake Fishing Report
: Eastern Sierra Fish'N Conditions