Riviera Marina Fishing Report

Another one of our local anglers Raul Gonzales land a nice stripped bass fishing along the river below Davis Dam. His fish weighed in at 7.65 pounds and was 29 and 1/2 inches in length. 
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Riviera Marina

by Rusty

We are in trout season here along the Colorado river below Davis Dam. This time of year the federal hatchery at Willow Beach brings us the rainbow trout that are raised at the hatchery. This has been happening for a number of years. These trout provide our local and visiting anglers some great outdoor fishing for young and old.

I have been getting mixed reports from up on Lake Mohave. While some anglers are doing well others are getting skunked. When you can find that school move in slow and stay on them try not to spook the fish if possible. The small moth bass are being landed in the 2 to 5 pound range with various top water plugs working well.

The Topock Marsh area is still a good for your large mouth and a few channel cats.  This time of year some area are closed and only open for hunting as we are getting in water fowl season.Hope this helps for now and we will see you in soon to share that catch thanks again for all of your support.

Now Go Catch A Fish Rusty Riviera Marina 520 Riviera Blvd. bullhead City Az. 928-763-8550

Our local anglers the Romero family Alian and 7 year old son Edgar, uncle Ventura stopped in to share the limits of trout they landed at rotary park. The Romeros were using night crawlers to bring in their limit of five each while fishing from shore.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Riviera Marina

Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ

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Up on Lake Mohave the striper bite is doing ok with some anglers bringing in a few in the 4...... Read More

Riviera Marina Reports
for Wednesday, October 30th, 2019
Colorado River - Davis Dam: 24 Lb. Striper
Topock Marsh: 4 Lb. Largemouth Bass