Riviera Marina Fishing Report

Colorado River - Laughlin - Laughlin, NV

Sure enough our visiting angler Larry Felando from Wilmington Ca. landed a super catch. Larry was fishing on the Arizona side from shore and using a glide bait in a shad pattern. this lure was made by his friend that goes by Dock Rat yep not bad for a back yard builder and his efforts and detail proved he has the skill in making these lures. this glide bait produced a 25.60 pound striper at 43 inches he was in the upper casino area.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Riviera Marina

by Rusty

The rainbow trout that are being provided by our local federal hatchery the Willow beach hatchery are hungry. Night crawlers are your go to bait and your favorite spinner are proving successful. Spinners were working well while night crawlers were rocking. I watched several anglers catch their limit and then leave the next group moved in and also landed a few. I heard this was happening at community park also. This is a great time to get out for some super trout fishing in. Some great striper news from here along the Colorado river below the Davis dam. I have said that some of our larger striper do show up around this time of year.

 I am getting word that the stripers up on Lake Mohave are starting to forage and anchovies have been producing a few in the 4 to 7 pound range. this should start to pick up with our weather getting a bit better. The small mouth bass are active near the shelves while the large mouth bass seem to like back I the shallows of the coves.

Not much word from the marsh as of yet. I suspect its got a lot to do with our water levels this year because of the wet weather the demand has been low and along with some conservation efforts down river we could see low water until about march.

Hope this helps for now and we look forward to seeing you in with that catch to share your success story. Thanks for all of your support

Now Go Catch A Fish  Rusty Riviera Marina 520 Riviera Blvd. Bullhead City Az. 928-763-8550

Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ

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