Arizona Fish Report
Fish Report for 10-20-2020
Fish Report for 10-20-2020
General waterfowl season in "Desert Zone" begins Friday, Oct. 23
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Arizona Game & Fish
by Arizona Game & Fish Department
PHOENIX — Arizona’s second general waterfowl season is about to get underway.
The general waterfowl and snipe seasons in the “Desert Zone” (Game Management Units 10 and 12B through 46B, and those portions of Units 6 and 8 within Yavapai County) begin Friday, Oct. 23, and run through Jan. 31, 2021.
Meanwhile, the general waterfowl and snipe seasons in the “Mountain Zone” (Game Management Units 1-5, 7, 9, 11M, 12A, and those portions of Units 6 and 8 within Coconino County) continue through Jan. 10, 2021.
The following are legal wildlife in both Mountain and Desert zones: ducks, including mergansers, coots and common moorhens (gallinules); white geese (snow, blue and Ross’); and dark geese (Canada, cackling, Brant and white-fronted).
Scaup can be harvested in the Mountain Zone through Jan. 10, 2021, and in the Desert Zone from Nov. 7, 2020 through Jan. 31, 2021.
All waterfowl hunters 10 and older must possess a valid Arizona hunting license, and those 16 and older must also possess a federal migratory bird stamp (i.e. federal duck stamp). In addition, waterfowl hunters 18 or older must have a state migratory bird stamp (this stamp is included in the purchase of a youth combination hunt and fish license).
Need a license? Visit Keep in mind that a combination hunt and fish license is only $20 more (for state residents) than the price of an individual hunting or fishing license. As a reminder, a youth combination hunt and fish license (ages 10 to 17) is only $5 and includes the privileges associated with the state migratory bird stamp.
The Arizona Game and Fish Department has posted the 2020-2021 Arizona Waterfowl and Snipe Regulations at For more information about waterfowl hunting, visit
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