Lost Creek Lake Fish Report for 2-25-2021
The Takelma ramp is currently the only ramp open and usable
Lost Creek Lake - Trail, OR (Jackson County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The Takelma ramp is currently the only ramp open and usable. Expect good and steady weather, which should lead to good trout fishing over the next week. Expect decent weather on Sunday and very nice weather early next week.
This past weekend there were a handful of boats up here, with most anglers trolling up the Lost Creek Arm and near the dam. Anglers have reported good success over by the marina, still fishing off the bottom with a suspended nightcrawler. A small piece of marshmallow works well to float your nightcrawler just enough. PowerBait also will work. Trolling a wedding ring tipped with a nightcrawler and sliding egg sinker above your wedding ring leader is a very effective setup here as well.
The lake is about 59 percent full with an elevation of 1,830.5 feet and 44-degree surface temperature.
Anglers can get the latest surface temperatures by calling the US Army Corps Lost Creek Lake and Applegate Reservoir projects information line at 1-800-472-2434.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, February 25th, 2021
Dog Lake: Yellow Perch Catches Are Measuring up to 14 Inches!
Applegate River: Anglers Reported Catching A Few Winter Fish
Diamond Lake: There Were A Few Anglers on The Lake But No Recent Report
Fish Lake : Fish Lake Cabins Are Currently Available
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Expect a sunny cold weekend and ice on the water
Illinois River: Conditions should be pretty prime through late week
Lake Selmac: Received 5,00 Rainbows 2/13

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