Trout anglers will want to fish near the dam and off the bottom

Lake Selmac - Selma, OR (Josephine County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

Four or five boats were on the water Tuesday afternoon and anglers appeared to be targeting vegetation lines for bass. Tuesday afternoon the surface temperature was low 70s but with the heat later this week will likely approach the low 80s again. It’s still best to fish early. If you’ve got little kids, bluegill fishing from the bank can be a productive and fun. A simple setup of a nightcrawler under a bobber, or better yet, a small chironomid fly (simple wrapped hook) or prince nymph with 3-foot leader under a bobber/bubble should get a pretty quick strike. Try switching up flies and color patterns periodically if the action slows.

Trout anglers will want to fish near the dam and off the bottom where the deepest water is. Bass fishing should be good, especially for boat-based anglers targeting the vegetation lines and submerged structure.

Bank anglers are starting to see more aquatic vegetation along the shore.

Lake Selmac facilities operated by Josephine County Parks are currently open. More information about Josephine County Parks can be found on their website.

Lake Selmac also has a recent non-native introduction of a bryozoan. Bryozoans are mossy like creatures that usually help to clean water and that are not typically harmful to humans.  However, this particular species has been known to harbor a disease that can be transmitted to salmon and steelhead. Please drain and dry your vessel if you are going to another water body and help stop Oregon’s aquatic hitchhikers!

Anglers are reminded that only 1 bass may be harvested from Selmac per day.

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, July 29th, 2021
: ODFW Recreation Report
Ana Reservoir: Trolling lures or flies will do a great job catching fish in this clear reservoir
Ana River: Tui chub are abundant in the river therefore casting large flies or lures can be effective for catching larger fish
Beulah Reservoir: Beulah Reservoir is 16 percent full and draining fast
Blitzen River: Water temperatures are getting into the mid 70s at Page spring most days
Bully Creek Reservoir: Currently A Fish Die Off
Delintment Lake: No Recent Reports But Fishing Should Be Good
Upper Klamath Lake: Water temperatures are extreme on the water surface but much colder in deeper water
Sun Creek: Fishing not recommended at this time
Sycan River: The Bootleg Fire is throughout the river
Warm Springs Reservoir: Smallmouth bass fishing has been good recently
Williamson River: Williamson River Report
Yellowjacket Lake: Yellowjack Lake Update
Agate Lake: Conditions are deteriorating pretty quickly out here, and water clarity is an issue
Applegate Reservoir: All three boat ramps are open
Applegate River: The river is open to trout fishing
Arizona Pond: Best fishing is in the morning or evening
Ben Irving Reservoir: Better Fishing in The AM
: Despite the warm weather anglers are still catching trout
Elk River: Most anglers are fly-fishing or casting spinners
Emigrant Reservoir: The best success out here will be targeting warmwater fish
Fish Lake : Irrigation withdrawals are continuing to make Fish Lake drop quickly
Galesville Reservoir: Galesville is very low this year
Rogue River- Lower: Numerous summer steelhead are being caught
Rogue River- Upper: The Hatchery Hole is Currently Closed to All Fishing
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek): This is always an excellent destination to escape the Rogue Valley heat
Alsea River: Fall Chinook fishing opens on Aug. 1
Nehalem River: Some Chinook are still being caught
Salmon River: Fall Chinook fishing opens Aug. 1
Siletz River: Trout fishing in streams remains open through Oct. 31
Trask River: The Trask River from 200 ft above and 900 ft below Gold Creek at Trask Hatchery is closed July 16 to Oct. 15
Yaquina River: Fall Chinook fishing opens on Aug. 1
Clear Lake: Stocked Last Week
Detroit Reservoir: The reservoir has been stocked several times in recent weeks
McKenzie River: McKenzie River Fishing Report
Quartzville Creek: Hoot Owl regulations are in effect for this river
Salmon Creek: Salmon Creek is open to fishing all year
Santiam River ( North Fork) Above Detroit Lake: The highway along the upper North Santiam has re-opened but many places will look a lot different

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