Rogue River- Upper Fish Report for 9-1-2021
Upper Rogue River Report
Rogue River- Upper - Medford, OR (Jackson County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The Hatchery Hole re-opened on Aug. 1, and is open to fishing for steelhead and trout, but remains closed to Chinook.
Chinook fishing is closed from Fishers Ferry upstream to Cole Rivers Hatchery through the end of the year.
Beginning Sept. 1, all fishing gear from Fishers Ferry to Cole Rivers hatchery is restricted to artificial flies, with no added weights except for a bubble or similar floating device attached to the line. No bait is allowed.
Anglers are catching trout and summer steelhead. Anglers can only retain hatchery trout (5 per day) and hatchery steelhead. It’s been a pretty good august for steelhead anglers, and should only improve through September.
Fly-anglers are doing well with slightly subsurface flies and muddlers. As September gets going, copper johns and egg patterns will start producing. Traditional nymphs always work as well whether fished with a sink tip or under an indicator. For spin or bait casting reels, this is the time to get out and perfect your “bug and bubble” technique.
As of Aug. 25, 60 spring Chinook entered the hatchery ladder, bringing this year’s total to 1,989 fish. Fish will continue to trickle in for the next month or so. The hatchery has met its spring Chinook broodstock needs.
Also as of Aug. 25, 87 fresh summer steelhead also entered the ladder bringing the total to 969 fish for the year. This is roughly a third of the run if long term averages persist. Expect a re-run of hatchery fish not need for broodstock soon.
Flows coming out of William L. Jess Dam will drop about 200 cfs over the next 2 days. Currently there is 1,713 cfs being released. Beginning next week flows will start significantly dropping to the lows for the fall to facilitate spring Chinook spawning and water savings.
Locally-owned and operated tackle and fly shops in Medford, Shady Cove, and Ashland have excellent gear and very fresh bait, local flies and knowledge that is specific to the Rogue and to your particular technique. Go check them out and offer them your support.
For the latest fish counts, call into the Lost Creek Reservoir hotline or check the fish counts page.
For the most current releases of water out of Lost Creek Reservoir, call 1-800-472-2434. For real time streamflow from USGS gauges on the Rogue click here.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, September 1st, 2021
Upper Klamath Lake: Redband trout are starting to move back into the main part
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Fishing can be excellent this time of year if flows are fishable
Lake Of The Woods: Fishing will be slow for trout as most stocked rainbow trout will move to deeper water
Miller Lake: Fishing is excellent as the lake has been heavily stocked
Sprague River: Sprague River Fishing Report
Williamson River: Williamson River Fishing Report
Wood River: One of the best bets for fishing right now
Chetco River: Water levels are low
Elk River: Fall season rule changes for Chinook are now in place
Expo Pond: Warmwater fishing continues at Exp
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Emergency Regulations are still in effect
Hyatt Lake: Emergency Regulations still in effect
Lost Creek Lake: Trout fishing should still be good
Rogue River- Lower: The Rogue Bay has been busy with anglers
Rogue River - Middle: ODFW has lifted the 2 p.m. fishing closure between Lobster and Hog creeks
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Saturday, August 28th, 2021
: Archery hunting opens Aug. 28, remember to check for access and fire restrictions before hunting Tag sale deadline is Friday, Aug. 27
Snake River- Below Hells Canyon Reservoir: Fall Chinook season opens in Hells Canyon on Aug. 26

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