Colorado River - Laughlin Fish Report for 11-10-2021
Riviera Marina Fishing Report
Colorado River - Laughlin - Laughlin, NV

by Rusty
The trout fishing is doing very well here along the shores of the Colorado River.This is mostly due to our federal hatchery the Willow Beach Hatchery which is supplying us rainbow trout. The trout are raised in raceways at the hatchery and brought to us for a few months every year. the stocking sites are Davis camp our Community park and Rotary park.
So below the Davis dam we have a great fishery and the season is on. Our local anglers are having great success using various techniques. Spinners and trout jigs are producing well along with night crawlers and power bait.
Our local anglers Mark Kuchczynski and Ron luck landed their limit at Rotary park using spinners and a trout jug in the cricket pattern. While Gerry Ward landed his limit at community park using a trout jig with a green tail. I have gotten word that in the community park area a few of the larger stripers have been spotted and supposedly landed in this area so I do hope to see a couple of these lager fish .
Up on lake Mohave there have been a few small mouth bass landed in the 4 to 5 pound range using various plastics like the z-mans ned rigs for example I like the peanut butter and jelly color. Not much word about the striper bite but a good idea is to watch for the boils or the birds where they might be feeding on the shad.
We look forward to seeing you in soon to share that catch and the story but mostly thanks for all of the support hope this helps some for now .
Thanks For your Support,
Rusty Riviera Marina
520 Riviera Blvd.
Bullhead City AZ
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