Fish Report for 11-26-2021
Due to the delayed start to winter, the lakes are still accessible
by Fly and Field Outfitters
Under typical circumstances, the Twin Lakes would be snowed in right now. Due to the delayed start to winter, the lakes are still accessible. Let’s hope the snow starts to pile up soon. This will be our last report for the Twin Lakes until next spring. Leeches and streamers should continue to produce fish. Darker leeches are a good choice, streamers are good in natural colors, black, or white. Indicator rigs should almost always include a balanced leech. Dark assassins, two-bit hookers, and midges are effective nymphs. The Twin Lakes had a great season this year. With any luck, access will be cut off soon and our snowpack will begin to build. Thanks for reading the Twin Lake reports this season, we’ll be back in the spring for more updates.
Suggested Flies: Bird’s Nest Hare’s Ear #14-18, Dark Assassin #14-18, Bird’s Nest Or Black Depth Charge #14-18, Red or Black Zebra Midge #16-18, Black or Red Chironocone #14-18, Flashback PT #14-18, Red or Black Yankee Buzzer #14, Bruised Balanced Leech #10-14, Ruby Leech #10-12, Black Wooly Bugger #10-12, Olive Wooly Bugger #10-12, Black or Rust Slump Buster #10-12, Thin Mint #10-12, Olive or Black BH Mini Leech #12
More Reports
Fly and Field Outfitters LLC Reports
for Friday, November 19th, 2021: Majority of the action out at the Twin Lakes has been with streamers and leeches
Deschutes River- Lower: The Lower Deschutes has fished decent over the last week
Metolius River: The Metolius River continues to provide great opportunities
Crooked River: Fishing out on the Crooked River is continuing to get more consistent
Fall River: The Fall River fish have been hungry but finicky,
Fly and Field Outfitters LLC Reports
for Friday, November 12th, 2021East Lake: End of Season East Lake Report
: The Twin Lakes continue to fish well
Deschutes River- Lower: Great trout fishing over the last week
Metolius River: With warmer conditions, there will likely be good numbers of October caddis
Crooked River: Fishing has been good and it’s very likely to improve
Fall River: Fall River was good last week
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