Lower Deschutes Update

Deschutes River- Lower - Maupin, OR

by The Fly Fishers Place

I’ve talked to a few friends who planned to go to Maupin (Lower Deschutes)next week to fish the Harpham and Locked Gate areas. I’ll be curious to know how they do, but my guess is with the big arctic mass coming it’s going to suck.

If I was to guess some flies to fish in any event, Blue Perdigons would top my list, with Olives and Browns and Purples getting tied on and fished hard. Walts Worm’s would be another, along with some Zebra Midges and Sculpins. But if it was me, I would wait for a warm up that we all know will happen soon enough.

More Reports

The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Friday, December 24th, 2021

Metolius River: Bull Trout fishing has been good
Fall River: The Fall River is also fishing pretty well
Crooked River: Running at 50 cfs