It was a great day of smelt dipping on the Cowlitz River

Cowlitz River - (Cowlitz County)

Photo Credit: 📷 WDFW

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

It was a great day of smelt dipping on the Cowlitz River, with many dippers getting their limits in a matter of minutes! Early morning fog gave way to sunshine as people lined the banks to take part in this unique fishery. Thanks to everyone who stopped by a WDFW sampling station to help us gather valuable biological data on these fascinating fish.
Our enforcement officers were also out educating people on the need for every dipper to have a separate container, as well as issuing citations for those over the limit of 10 pounds per person.
To stay up to date on potential smelt fishery openings, visit
Photo Credit: 📷 WDFW
Photo Credit: 📷 WDFW
Photo Credit: 📷 WDFW
Photo Credit: 📷 WDFW

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