Santiam River ( North Fork) Fish Report for 3-30-2022
No recent fishing reports
Santiam River ( North Fork) - Stayton, OR

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Many public access points along the river are still closed from recent wildfires, including Fisherman’s Bend, and all recreation areas along the Little North Fork. But Packsaddle Park has recently re-opened, which is just below Minto Dam. Anglers can still access the river from Stayton downstream and in a few places above such as the Mehama bridge and North Santiam State Park.
No recent fishing reports. River levels best for fishing are at or below 3,000 cfs, and the river is currently running at 2,970 cfs at the gauge in Mehama. Water clarity is good as well.
Fishing for hatchery steelhead is open year-round. Last year’s disappointing run is over and done, but the first few dozen new arrivals have been counted at Willamette Falls. It will take another month or so before they can reliably be targeted in the North Santiam. Trout season will start back up again on May 22.
For the next few months things are going to be fairly quiet as far as fishing on the river goes. The next run of spring Chinook and summer steelhead won’t arrive until late April/early May. Any unclipped (wild) steelhead that are caught must be released unharmed. Anglers should be aware that bait is no longer allowed after Oct. 31 and until April 22.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, March 30th, 2022
Umatilla River: The flows in the Umatilla have come up in the last week
Wallowa Lake : The ice is gone from Wallowa Lake
Wallowa River: Steelhead are moving throughout the Wallowa River now
Willow Creek Reservoir: There is no ice on Willow Creek and the boat ramp is accessible
Pine Hollow Reservoir: Stocked Recently
Carmen Reservoir: Latest estimates for when access and fish stocking will resume are now 2024
Foster Reservoir: Will be stocked this week
Hills Creek Reservoir: Hills Creek Reservoir was last stocked the week of March 14

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