Arizona Fish Report
Trask River Fish Report for 4-7-2022
Trask River Fish Report for 4-7-2022
The Trask is in prime condition following last weekend’s rain
Trask River - Tillamook , OR (Tillamook County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The Trask is in prime condition following last weekend’s rain but is dropping fast and may be a little on the low side by the weekend. The Trask is a mostly wild steelhead river (catch-and-release only for wilds) but is known to get some hatchery strays.
The North and South Forks of the Trask closed to fishing on April 1 to protect spawning wild steelhead and out-migrating juveniles.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Thursday, April 7th, 2022: ODFW Recreation Report
Gerber Reservoir: The reservoir remains at 12 percent full
John C Boyle Reservoir: Fishing is improving for warmwater fish as they move into the shallows
Upper Klamath Lake: ishing is slow but will improve in late April
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Klamath River Fishing Report
Lake Of The Woods: The lake is mostly ice-free but with a very thin layer of ice in some areas
Pilcher Reservoir: The reservoir is now ice-free
North Fork Sprague River: Flows are high at 187 cfs
Wolf Creek Reservoir: The ice is gone from Wolf Creek Reservoir
Wood River: Fishing for brown trout should be good on opening day
Agate Lake: The reservoir has a good concrete boat launch and is 97 percent full
Applegate Reservoir: The lake elevation is now high enough that Copper boat ramp is now usable
Ben Irving Reservoir: Ben Irving was stocked with trout a couple weeks ago
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Cooper was stocked two weeks ago, meaning there should be lots of trout available
Coos River: The winter steelhead fishing season is still officially open
Coquille River: The winter steelhead fishing season is still officially open
Diamond Lake: With a mix bag of weather its hard to say how the fishing will be at Diamond
Emigrant Reservoir: The reservoir is currently at 12 percent
Expo Pond: Expo pond received another 1,500 legal rainbow trout the week of April 4
Fish Lake : The reservoir is slowly filling
Floras Lake: Recently stocked, anglers could potentially pick up some nice-size rainbows or native resident cutthroat trout
Garrison Lake: Just last week, 500 trophy rainbow trout went in
Howard Prairie Reservoir: The lake has no ice, but access is limited
Hyatt Lake: Open water is available but the reservoir still extremely low
Illinois River: The Illinois is closed to trout and steelhead
Lake Selmac: Weed growth is down and all boat ramps are accessible
Lemolo Lake: Lemolo is starting to fill, but the boat ramps are currently closed
Rogue River- Lower: Fishing conditions are low and clear
Rogue River - Middle: Anglers are still catching spawned out “kelt” or down-runners
Rogue River- Upper: Winter steelhead are being caught in the upper Rogue on a regular basis
Tenmile Lakes: The winter steelhead fishing season is still officially open, but most anglers have called it quits for the season
Umpqua River: Anglers seem to be finding a decent number of striped bass in the lower section of the river
North Umpqua River: Anglers are still doing fairly well with winter steelhead
Willow Lake: Willow Lake received another 4,000 legal rainbow trout on April 4
Alsea River: Winter steelhead fishing is winding down on the Alsea
Kilchis River: The Kilchis River is still a little on the low side but has good color
Nehalem River: Mainstem is still a little off color following last weekend’s rain but is on the drop
Nehalem River- North Fork: The North Fork Nehalem blew out on Monday but has already dropped back into shape
Nestucca River: The Nestucca is in prime condition
Salmon River: Winter steelhead fishing closed on the Salmon on March 31
Siletz River: Winter steelhead fishing is starting to slow down for the season on the Siletz

THE DALLES, Ore.—ODFW has set the following regulations for a spring Chinook fishery on the Hood River: Open for adult hatchery...... Read More © 2025. All Rights Reserved.
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