Columbia River Fish Report for 5-4-2022
Salmon fishing closed above Bonneville Dam as of May 4
Columbia River

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
CLACKAMAS, Ore.—Fishery managers from Oregon and Washington closed salmon and steelhead fishing on the mainstem Columbia River between Bonneville Dam and the Oregon/Washington border (upstream of McNary Dam).
This fishery was originally scheduled to continue through Thursday, May 5. However, good catches during the past week means the fishery is projected to have used up its pre-run update allocation of spring Chinook. The closure is in effect beginning Wednesday, May 4.
The U.S. v. OR Technical Advisory Committee meets regularly in-season to review the ongoing return of upriver spring Chinook and provides a run update when it is possible. The first spring Chinook run-size update typically occurs in early to mid-May.
Through May 2, 51,484 adult spring Chinook have crossed Bonneville Dam, which is about 19 percent higher than the recent 10-year average passage to date. However, it is still early in the return with an average of 25 percent of the return passing Bonneville by this date during the past ten years.
All other permanent regulations in the 2022 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations remain in effect. For the latest Columbia River fishing regulations, remember to always check the Recreation Report Fishing Report at
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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, April 27th, 2022
Chewaucan River: People have already caught some really nice trout in the river with lures
Gerber Reservoir: Targeting yellow perch continues to be your best bet
Holbrook Reservoir: Access is available to high clearance 4-wheel drive vehicles this week
John C Boyle Reservoir: Fishing bait on the bottom might be your best method
Upper Klamath Lake: Water clarity has continued to worsen due to very windy conditions
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Klamath River Fishing Report
Lake Of The Woods: Lake of the Woods will be stocked this week with trophy rainbow trout
Lofton Reservoir: Access is available to high clearance 4-wheel drive vehicles this week
Phillips Reservoir: Phillips Reservoir will be stocked with trout throughout the spring
Pilcher Reservoir: We have not received any recent fishing reports for Pilcher Reservoir
Sprague River: Opening day was slow due to cold water temperatures and drift of filamentous algae
Thief Valley Reservoir: Thief Valley Reservoir is now full
Unity Reservoir: Unity Reservoir is mostly full, and anglers have been successful
Warm Springs Reservoir: Fishing is typically slow on the Upper Williamson this time of year
Wolf Creek Reservoir: Wolf Creek Reservoir is slowing filling
Wood River: Water temperatures were very cold on opening day
Applegate Reservoir: Fishing has been good for trout and picking up for largemouth bass on warmer days
Ben Irving Reservoir: With warming weather bass fishing should be productive
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Cooper was stocked just last week and there should be lots of other fish available
Diamond Lake: The snow is melting fairly quickly at Diamond
Emigrant Reservoir: Water temperatures are increasing
Fish Lake : Fish lake is ice free
Floras Lake: Floras Lake is a pleasant place to spend some time and unwind all year long
Galesville Reservoir: The reservoir has been filling and anglers can easily launch a boat now
Garrison Lake: Bank anglers can find access at the 12th street or Pinehurst boat ramps
Howard Prairie Reservoir: The lake is ice-free, but access is limited
Hyatt Lake: Hyatt lake resort, store and restaurant are open
Lemolo Lake: Lemolo is getting close to full
Rogue River- Lower: Lost Creek has received 35,000 legal rainbow trout since late February
Rogue River - Middle: Trout fishing is closed on the Rogue between April 1 and May 21
Rogue River- Upper: Winter steelhead are still being caught in the upper Rogue on a regular basis
Three Rivers: Three Rivers is just about done for steelhead
Siletz River: Winter steelhead fishing continues to be slow is almost done for the season
Trask River: The Trask River is about done for steelhead
Wilson River: The Wilson is winding down for winter steelhead
Clear Lake: Will be stocked this week with 2,500 rainbow trout
Detroit Reservoir: Detroit Reservoir is one of the premier kokanee fisheries in the state
Dexter Reservoir: Boat and bank access is available through state and county park
Foster Reservoir: The reservoir gets stocked in the spring and fall with hatchery trout
Santiam River ( North Fork) : No recent fishing reports
Santiam River (South Fork): The first few hundred summer steelhead of 2022 have started to arrive at Willamette Fall
Timber Linn Lake: It will be stocked this week with about 1,200 hatchery trout
Crane Prairie Reservoir: Crane Prairie Reservoir opened to fishing on Friday, April 22
Laurance Lake: Laurance Lake is currently inaccessible due to snow and road condition
Odell Lake: Odell Lake opened to fishing on Friday, April 22
Wickiup Reservoir: Anglers should expect to see fewer kokanee this year following recent reservoir drawdowns

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