Rogue River- Upper Fish Report for 6-8-2022
Trout fishing is now open in the Rogue
Rogue River- Upper - Medford, OR (Jackson County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Trout fishing is now open in the Rogue with a daily bag limit of 5 adipose fin-clipped (hatchery) trout. Wild trout must be immediately released unharmed. Salmonflies have been popping on and off depending on where you are on the river, and golden stoneflies will soon follow. The most salmonfly action appears to be from Rogue Elk up to McGregor Park. The Holy Water has been seeing action as well.
Chinook fishing is in full swing in the upper river. Bank and boat anglers are picking up fish. Bank anglers are picking up fish around the Casey Park and McGregor fishing access areas and slightly downstream. Drift boat anglers are using sardine, tuna, or ghost shrimp-wrapped Mag Lips or Kwikfish, or back bouncing roe.
Wild steelhead retention is closed. Hatchery steelhead retention is open year-round. A few early run summer steelhead have been reported caught, mostly by salmon anglers side drifting between holes, or the occasional one hitting a salmonfly.
Anglers are reminded that the Hatchery Hole, which encompasses the blocker dam to 1200 feet below, is closed to ALL fishing from April 1 through July 31. It is also closed year-round to Chinook fishing.
River flows have leveled out over the last few days but will be increasing to 3,000 cfs today from the dam. Depending on the forecast later in the week, flows may bump up a bit more depending on inflows to the reservoir. Winter steelhead have still just recently spawned, and with many more mainstem spawners this year due to lower tributary flow earlier in the season, anglers are still encouraged to be mindful of redds/nests of young fish and eggs that are still in the gravel, especially around tailouts. Please watch your step if wadding or dropping an anchor. They will likely be along river margins/side channels.
As of June 1, 226 new spring Chinook entered the hatchery bringing the year’s total to 1,215 fish. Anglers can subscribe to the most current fish counts or visit the fish counts website as updated counts are not always available at the writing of the recreation report. This past week, 18 winter steelhead entered the hatchery with 1,158 fish for the year to date. The summer Steelhead return looks to be off to a fair start with 24 fish entering the hatchery for the week, and 37 fish to date.
The Dodge Bridge gauge was 3,180 cfs. Temperatures was 53 degrees for Wednesday Morning with a typical 4-5 degree temperature swing for the day when flows level off. The McCloud guage was reading 2900 on Wednesday mid-morning with temperature at 52 degrees and a few degree swing expected for the day. You can check all the USGS Rogue gauges here.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, June 8th, 2022
Heart Lake: The lake is up to 35 feet deep in places
Holbrook Reservoir: Trolling for rainbows will be extremely productive
Phillips Reservoir: Dry flies has been a good way to catch both rainbow trout and pikeminnows
Unity Reservoir: Unity Reservoir is almost full
Applegate Reservoir: All boat ramps are now open
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Anglers have been reporting good catches
Coquille River: Smallmouth bass fishing will steadily pick up
Diamond Lake: Trout seem to be biting better in June
Eel Lake: Trout fishing at Eel Lake is picking up
Emigrant Reservoir: The reservoir is currently at 36 percent and 10,063 acre feet
Empire Lake Lower: Bass fishing is picking up in Lower Empire Lake
Expo Pond: There are still trout available at Expo Pond
Fish Lake : The reservoir has been a steady 47 percent over the last 2 weeks
Garrison Lake: Best time to fish is early or late in the day
Lost Creek Lake: Fishing has been very good
Medco Pond: Fishing should be good for trout, as well as warmwater species
Rogue River- Lower: Starting June 1, anglers can keep any chinook
Rogue River - Middle: From the mouth upstream to Fishers Ferry boat ramp, wild Chinook are legal for retention after June 1

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