Fish Report for 7-15-2022
Southern Region fishing forecast

by Utah Division of Wildlife
What's new
Minersville Reservoir (Blue Ribbon): ★★★
Daily limit change: An emergency regulation change is in effect, increasing the daily fishing limit at Minersville Reservoir to four trout (with no size restrictions) and three wipers. The restriction on using legal bait has also been temporarily removed until Sept. 30. This regulation change is prompted by ongoing drought conditions and expected low water levels. The intention of the regulation change is to increase harvest and provide anglers the opportunity to keep additional fish prior to any possible fish loss. This emergency regulation change is effective immediately and will remain in effect until Sept. 30, 2022. All other rules, listed in the 2022 Utah Fishing Guidebook remain in effect.
Fish survey update: Our spring netting survey showed that the 2021 emergency harvest change successfully reduced rainbow trout density and prevented large die-offs due to extreme drought conditions. Harvest removed much of the larger trout from the reservoir, but fish in the 16- to 18-inch range are just as abundant as ever. Those fish will grow rapidly and some will be reaching 20 inches by summer. Rainbow trout stocked at 10 inches last fall also survived very well over the winter and will experience fast growth. We also saw a number of large, healthy wipers up to 12 pounds in size. Wipers withstood drought conditions very well and are thriving. Utah chub density is so low that we do not catch any in our nets. This low density is due to wiper predation and has positively affected rainbow trout growth and survival.
Otter Creek Reservoir (Blue Ribbon): ★★★
Daily limit change: An emergency regulation change is in effect, increasing the daily fishing limit at Otter Creek Reservoir to eight trout and six wipers. This regulation change is prompted by ongoing drought conditions and expected low water levels. The intention of the regulation change is to increase harvest and provide anglers the opportunity to keep additional fish prior to any possible fish loss. This emergency regulation change is effective immediately and will remain in effect until Sept. 30, 2022. All other rules, listed in the 2022 Utah Fishing Guidebook remain in effect. Fish survey update: Our spring netting survey found that rainbow trout did surprisingly well through last year's drought. Trout stocked last fall at 7 inches in length survived the winter very well and have grown to 9 to 12 inches. Larger rainbow trout (16 to 22 inches) are just as abundant as in previous years and are in great condition, despite severe drought conditions and increased harvest in 2021. We also saw a number of very healthy wipers, with several over 10 pounds. Utah chub density is low, likely thanks to wiper predation.
Seasonal forecasts
Baker Reservoir:
Summer fishing forecast (June through September): Trout fishing slows down as water temperatures rise in the summer months. The reservoir can also be drawn very low during the summer, especially in drought years. If any rainbow trout stocked the previous fall haven't been harvested, they may die off. Brown trout have also been stocked in recent years and, though they are more likely to survive summer conditions, fishing for them probably still won't be very productive. We are attempting to establish populations of largemouth bass and bluegill in Baker Reservoir, though it will take a few years for the fingerling fish that we have stocked to grow up to catchable size. (June 02, 2022)
Beaver River, Lower:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Fishing improves once water is released from Minersville Reservoir for irrigation. Brown and rainbow trout can be caught through the summer with a variety of flies, lures and natural baits. Terrestrial flies like foam hoppers and ants can provide some exciting action during the summer. Focus fishing efforts on early morning and late afternoon/evening. (June 02, 2022)
Beaver River, Upper:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Spring runoff usually subsides between mid-May and mid-June. Once the flow drops, the upper Beaver River can provide good fishing for abundant brown and rainbow trout throughout the summer. Most of the tributaries — including the Beaver forks, Merchant Creek and Three Creeks — also have abundant populations of wild trout. A variety of flies, lures and natural baits can produce good to excellent fishing. Terrestrial flies like foam hoppers and ants can provide some exciting action during the summer. Focus fishing efforts on early morning and late afternoon/evening. (June 02, 2022)
Boulder Mountain Lakes:
Summer fishing forecast (July through August): Summer can be a busy time on Boulder Mountain, though you can find solitude by fishing during the week and targeting lakes that have tougher access. Brook, tiger and splake trout get a little less active in mid-summer than during spring and fall, so focus your efforts for these species in the early morning, later afternoon/evening and cloudy days. Cutthroat trout and Arctic grayling provide good to excellent fishing throughout the summer. Consult the Boulder Mountain entry on the Utah Fishing Map for fishing techniques and tips. Be prepared for some amount of winterkill in any shallow lake, but don't ignore those lakes, either. We've been surprised by good survival in a few lakes where winter loss has been common. (June 24, 2022)
Clear Creek (Blue Ribbon):
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Spring runoff typically subsides by mid-June to normal summer flow, which is 10-20 cubic feet per second. Visit to see real-time flows. Summer fishing is good to excellent for Bonneville cutthroat trout throughout the Clear Creek drainage. In addition to Clear Creek, the Mill Creek, Fish Creek, Shingle Creek and Pole Creek tributaries have good populations of cutthroat trout. You may also find an occasional tiger trout. A variety of flies, lures and natural baits can produce good to excellent fishing. Terrestrial flies like foam hoppers and ants can provide some exciting action during the summer. Focus fishing efforts on early morning and late afternoon/evening. Rattlesnakes are fairly abundant near these streams, so be cautious when walking through grass and brush. If you do encounter a rattlesnake, just give it a wide berth and it won't give you any trouble. (June 02, 2022)
Duck Creek Pond / Aspen-Mirror Lake:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Rainbow and tiger trout are stocked in May and June and provide good fishing throughout the summer. These ponds are easily accessible and very popular so expect to see large crowds, especially on the weekend. While bait fishing is most popular among anglers here, flies and lures will also produce good fishing and will often work better when fish get too pressured. Fishing in the morning and evening will often be most productive. Remember that fishing from a boat or any other floating device (including float tubes and kayaks) is prohibited on these small ponds. By mid-to-late summer, aquatic vegetation starts to grow thicker and can make fishing more difficult. (June 02, 2022)
East Fork Sevier River, Black Canyon (Blue Ribbon):
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Spring runoff typically subsides by mid-to-late May. Abundant brown trout provide good to excellent fishing throughout the summer for anglers using a variety of flies and lures. Terrestrial flies like foam hoppers and ants can provide some exciting action during the summer. Focus fishing efforts on early morning and late afternoon/evening. Visit to see real-time flows. (June 02, 2022)
East Fork Sevier River, Kingston Canyon (Blue Ribbon):
Summer fishing forecast (June through September): Summer fishing is often difficult in Kingston Canyon as flows are high with irrigation releases from Otter Creek Reservoir. Visit to see real-time flows. Focus on deep pools where water velocity may not be too fast. Be very cautious when wading in high flows. (June 02, 2022)
East Fork Sevier River, Upper:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Runoff usually subsides by early to mid-June. Wild trout are abundant in the upper East Fork Sevier River and its tributaries and summer fishing can be very productive with a variety of flies, lures and natural baits. These open meadows are an ideal place to practice your fly casting. Terrestrial flies like foam hoppers and ants can provide some exciting action during the summer. Focus fishing efforts in the early morning and late afternoon/evening.
Bonneville cutthroat trout restoration: We have begun work to restore native Bonneville cutthroat trout in the drainage, beginning with Blubber and Upper Kanab creeks. Fish numbers will be growing steadily in these streams over the next few years, though they probably won't provide as much fishing success until the population is fully established. (June 02, 2022)
Enterprise Reservoirs:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Fishing experiences at the two reservoirs can be a bit different during the summer. Catchable-sized rainbow trout stocked in the lower reservoir in the spring can provide fair to good fishing until the water gets too warm or (as often happens in drought years) the reservoir is drained in late summer. The upper reservoir is stocked with smaller rainbow trout which act more wild, experience better survival past the year they were stocked and grow bigger. You can often find good to excellent fishing for 12- to 15-inch rainbow trout during the early summer. Trout fishing usually slows down by midsummer as water temperature increases and algae blooms get heavy. Trout fishing will be best in early morning and late evening hours. Smallmouth bass start getting active in May and June and can provide good to excellent fishing through the summer. Bass numbers are high here, so most fish are smaller (less than 12 inches). The best way to target smallmouth bass is to cast curly-tail grubs or crayfish-imitating lures along rocky shorelines. Sometimes a nightcrawler hung under a bobber will also work well for bass.
2021 drought impacts: While we didn't see any large die-offs of fish in Upper Enterprise Reservoir in 2021, trout numbers may be expected to be a little lower in 2022 due to increased harvest. The upper reservoir has remained low, and boat launching is very difficult. Expect heavy algae blooms this summer with continuing severe drought conditions. The lower reservoir was completely drained in 2021 and the same should be expected by mid to late summer in 2022. (June 02, 2022)
Fish Lake:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Summer is a popular and busy time at Fish Lake. Luckily, improvements have been made to all three marinas in recent years, so there are plenty of good options for launching a boat. Even when the marinas are busy, there is plenty of space to spread out on the lake. Shore fishing is mostly limited to open water around Twin Creek and that can get quite busy. The most active fish during the summer months are rainbow trout, kokanee salmon and yellow perch. Splake and lake trout are still active through mid-June, but fishing for those gets slower in midsummer. Consult the Fish Lake entry on the Fish Utah map for summer fishing tips for all these species. Contact Fish Lake Resorts (Fish Lake Lodge/Lakeside Marina) or Bowery Haven Resort before you go to check on current conditions and get up-to-date fishing reports.
Yellow perch: There is no limit for yellow perch at Fish Lake and you are encouraged to harvest as many perch as you catch. You are also allowed to waste perch at Fish Lake, if you don't want to take them all home, just kill the fish and drop them back in the lake. Puncturing the air bladder is key to leaving those nutrients in the lake, otherwise the seagulls will just pick them up off the surface. (June 02, 2022)
Forsyth Reservoir:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Forsyth Reservoir was completely drained for irrigation use in 2021. DWR conducted a netting survey this spring to determine if any fish made it through the draining. Surprisingly, we found a handful of chunky, 14- to 16-inch cutthroat trout that must have traveled upstream, then returned after the reservoir was refilled. It appears that most of the tiger and splake trout went downstream to Mill Meadow Reservoir. Some tiger trout were stocked in fall 2021 after the reservoir refilled and those fish should be 10 to 12 inches in length by now. Summer fishing in 2022 is likely to be tough, but there are a few interesting fish to be caught. Unfortunately, it is very likely that the reservoir will be drained again by late summer due to the ongoing drought. (June 02, 2022)
Gunlock Reservoir (Blue Ribbon):
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Consult the Utah State Parks website for boat ramp hours. Summer in Washington County means hot temperatures and lots of boat traffic. Luckily, Gunlock Reservoir sees much fewer boats than the other reservoirs, but even a few wake boats can make for choppy water. Paddle boards and kayaks are becoming increasingly popular here. Weekdays are still a good time to find quieter conditions at Gunlock. Warmwater species (largemouth bass, bluegill and black crappie) are still active through the summer, but the heat and pleasure boaters make fishing a little more difficult. Many serious bass anglers will fish early and late, or even at night, to avoid these challenges. If fishing at night, make sure to check with state park staff for proper user fees. Bass will often be found shallow (4–15 feet) during the summer while bluegill can be found suspended over deeper water. Crappie can be found in either area. (June 02, 2022)
Gunnison Bend and DMAD Reservoirs:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): These reservoirs near Delta never see a lot of fishing pressure, regardless of the season, but there are surprisingly good numbers of sportfish to target. Channel catfish can provide some of the best opportunities for summer fishing. Try any standard catfish bait (cutbait, liver and nightcrawlers). Fishing at night can be very productive for catfish. White crappie and white bass are the most abundant species (other than carp) and can provide fun fishing with small jigs. Numerous other species (largemouth bass, northern pike, walleye, yellow perch and green sunfish) are present and can also be caught at just about any time. Many anglers also fish the reservoir outlets, as well as the Sevier River and local canals. Expect to see moderate ski boat traffic on Gunnison Bend. (June 02, 2022)
Johnson Reservoir:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Early-season angling typically provides the best fishing of the year for tiger muskies as the water can clear up and the weeds grow in. Once the water starts to drop, the weeds die back and the water gets murky. (June 15, 2022)
Kolob Reservoir (Blue Ribbon):
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Bait fishing is allowed at Kolob Reservoir through Sept. 9, 2022. The DWR spring netting survey found abundant rainbow, tiger and cutthroat trout, with a handful of brook trout mixed in. Many fish are small to medium sizes (9–15 inches), though a few fish are getting larger. Some harvest of smaller fish can help cut down on competition and allow growth rates to increase. Remember: The trout limit is two fish under 15 inches or over 22 inches, and other restrictions apply. Recreation use at Kolob Reservoir is administered by the Washington County Water Conservancy District and dramatic increases in visitors during recent years has prompted the district to employ new regulations to allow them to properly maintain the surrounding land and mitigate abuse. Camping fees are required and boats are limited to 10 horsepower motors. Please respect these regulations so that recreational access can be maintained at Kolob Reservoir. (June 02, 2022)
Koosharem Reservoir:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Koosharem Reservoir was completely drained for irrigation use in 2021. We stocked 10-inch rainbow trout this spring, and they will provide some fishing opportunity as long as water remains in the reservoir. As long as the current severe drought continues, fishing opportunities in Koosharem will be limited. (June 02, 2022)
Lower Bowns Reservoir:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Abundant rainbow and tiger trout should provide fair to good fishing throughout the summer. Focus fishing efforts on early morning and late afternoon/evening. Evening midge hatches can provide some exciting action. You can expect to see low water conditions again in 2022. (June 02, 2022)
Mammoth Creek:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Summer fishing can be fair to good with a variety of flies, lures and natural baits. Terrestrial flies like foam hoppers and ants can provide some exciting action during the summer. Focus fishing efforts on early morning and late afternoon/evening. Note: Access is limited in lower Mammoth Creek by private land that is posted closed to trespassing. Please respect private property rights and obey signs or other postings. Native cutthroat trout restoration: DWR biologists treated the upper Mammoth Creek drainage with rotenone in 2020 and 2021 to remove nonnative trout, in preparation for restoring native Bonneville cutthroat trout upstream of Mammoth Spring. (The project did not affect the stream below Mammoth Spring.) Bonneville cutthroat trout have been stocked now, but they are fingerling fish and will take a couple years to get up to catchable size. Castle Creek (Sidney Valley) was restored a few years ago and has good numbers of chunky cutthroat trout, as well as a handful of tiger trout. The DWR will also be stocking some catchable-sized tiger trout in upper Mammoth Creek this summer. (June 02, 2022)
Mill Meadow Reservoir:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Rainbow trout stocked in the spring, as well as abundant wild brown trout, typically provide fair to good fishing throughout the summer with popular baits, lures and flies. There are also plenty of tiger and splake trout that washed down from Forsyth Reservoir in 2021. Perch numbers continue to increase and can also provide good summer fishing. We began stocking wipers in recent years to assess their potential in feeding on Utah suckers. Anglers report catching 14- to 15-inch wipers by casting spoons and crankbaits near the inlets in the summer. (June 24, 2022)
Millard County Streams:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Summer months provide the best fishing of the year in the Millard County streams. While wild brown and rainbow trout are abundant in all streams, we also stock catchable-sized rainbow and tiger trout in Chalk, Corn and Oak creeks. You can often find solitude and unpressured wild trout by hiking into the upper tributaries. A variety of flies, lures and natural baits can produce good to excellent fishing. Terrestrial flies like foam hoppers and ants can provide some exciting action during the summer. Focus fishing efforts on early morning and late afternoon/evening. (June 24, 2022)
Minersville Reservoir (Blue Ribbon):
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Trout fishing slows down during the hot weather in the summer, though you can still find fair to good fishing during the early morning and late evening. Remember to bring fish in and release them quickly to cut down on handling stress. Smallmouth bass can provide good to excellent fishing throughout the summer. Wipers are most active at dawn, dusk, and after dark. (June 24, 2022)
Monroe Mountain Lakes:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Catchable-sized rainbow trout are stocked in the Box Creek reservoirs and north-end lakes in the spring and can provide fair to good fishing throughout the summer. Upper Box Creek Reservoir was completely drained in 2021, so the rainbows will be your only catch there. Manning Meadow Reservoir is closed to fishing until the second Saturday in July in order to protect spawning cutthroat trout. Once open to fishing, you can find fair to good success with a variety of lures and flies (Manning Meadow Reservoir is also closed to bait fishing). We did observe evidence of a partial winterkill in Barney Lake, but we've also seen plenty of live fish. Don't ignore the streams — most have wild trout that don't see much fishing pressure. (June 24, 2022)
Navajo Lake:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Catchable-sized (10-inch) rainbow and tiger trout have been stocked and should provide fair to good fishing this summer. You may also catch a 10-inch cutthroat trout or brood rainbow. Splake trout and Arctic grayling are stocked at a small size and won't be catchable until future years. We are planning to introduce some adult tiger muskies in July 2022 to prey on the chubs that survived last year's treatment. If you catch a tiger muskie, remember that the harvest limit is just one fish and it must be over 40 inches in length. We request that you release any tiger muskies you catch in 2022, however, so that they can keep the chubs in check.
New management plan: Navajo Lake was treated with rotenone in October 2021 to reduce a dense population of Utah chubs that had been significantly impacting trout survival. A new management plan for Navajo Lake was developed during early 2022 with the help of local anglers and officials. The plan intends to provide fishing opportunities for both family and trophy fishing interests, while also addressing the issues of chub competition and overwinter survival. Fish species that will be stocked in the future will include rainbow trout, tiger trout, splake trout, Arctic grayling and tiger muskie. It is hoped that multiple predators (tiger trout, splake trout and tiger muskie) will help keep chubs from becoming too abundant. Arctic grayling generally show better overwinter survival in low-oxygen conditions and may compete with chubs. Rainbow trout are intended to provide high catch rates, along with tiger trout and grayling. Splake, large tiger trout and tiger muskie should provide trophy fishing opportunities, with lower catch rates. (June 24, 2022)
Newcastle Reservoir:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Trout fishing is slow to fair during the summer as water temperature warms. Rainbow trout will be most active early and late in the day. Smallmouth bass often provide the most consistent fishing throughout the summer. Cast crankbaits and jigs along rocky shorelines. Wipers can provide some exciting action, but are most active at dawn, dusk, and after dark. (June 24, 2022)
Otter Creek Reservoir (Blue Ribbon):
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Rainbow trout move to deeper water during the summer, making fishing from boats generally more successful than shore fishing. If you are fishing from shore, focus on the steeper shorelines around the south end of the reservoir. Smallmouth bass are active in the summer. Though bass numbers are low, average size is fairly high and you can find some exciting action for quality fish. Wipers are most active at dawn, dusk, and after dark. Consult the Otter Creek Reservoir entry on the Fish Utah Map for more details on summer fishing. (June 24, 2022)
Panguitch Lake (Blue Ribbon):
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Summer is a busy time at Panguitch Lake. On any day of the week you can find plenty of boats and shore anglers on the lake, though weekends are busiest. Rainbow trout are the most active species during the summer, though you can pick up a cutthroat or tiger trout occasionally. Fishing from boats is typically most successful since many fish move out to deeper water during the warmer months. Shore fishing will be best around the steeper shorelines. Remember that all cutthroat and tiger trout between 15 and 22 inches in length must be released, so look carefully at the fish you catch. If you're not sure of what you caught, it's best to release the fish. Maintaining good numbers of large cutthroat and tiger trout is essential to controlling the density of Utah chubs in Panguitch Lake and preserving good trout fishing into the future. (June 24, 2022)
Paragonah (Red Creek) Reservoir:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Tiger trout tend to move out a little deeper during the summer, so fishing from small boats or float tubes is often more productive than shore fishing. Cutthroat and rainbow trout are also present in lower numbers. Fishing early and late in the day will improve success. Various lures, jigs and flies are effective, while natural baits like nightcrawlers and cut bait (pieces of minnow, chub or sucker) tend to work better than PowerBait. The tiger trout stocked after the Brian Head fire have survived very well, so feel free to take a limit to help cut down on competition and improve growth. (June 24, 2022)
Pine Lake:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Rainbow and tiger trout are abundant and should provide good to excellent fishing during the summer. Fishing early and late in the day should provide the best success. Small boats and float tubes are also helpful as many fish move to deeper water during the warm weather. Popular baits, lures and flies should all catch fish. (June 24, 2022)
Pine Valley Reservoir:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Summer is a busy time, especially on the weekends. Catchable-sized rainbow trout are stocked regularly and provide fair to good fishing. If you want to get away from the crowds, consider fishing the Santa Clara River above the reservoir for wild trout. (June 24, 2022)
Piute Reservoir:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Piute Reservoir was mostly drained again in 2021 for irrigation use. The fishery has struggled due to drought conditions and water fluctuation in recent years. The reservoir is dominated by Utah suckers. We are beginning a new effort to improve fishing opportunities in Piute Reservoir by introducing white crappie. (June 24, 2022)
Quail Creek Reservoir (Blue Ribbon):
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Consult the Utah State Parks website for boat ramp hours. Summer in Washington County means hot temperatures and lots of boat traffic. Weekdays are no longer as quiet as they once were; pleasure boats are out on the reservoir all week. The wakeless zone at the upper end of Quail Creek Reservoir provides some good refuge for fishing, but it can still get a little crowded with bass boats, kayaks and paddle boards. Warmwater species (largemouth bass, bluegill and black crappie) are still active through the summer, but the heat and pleasure boaters make fishing a little more difficult. Many serious bass anglers will fish early and late, or even at night, to avoid these challenges. If fishing at night, make sure to check with state park staff for proper user fees. Bass will often be found shallow (4–15 feet) during the summer while bluegill can be found suspended over deeper water. Crappie can be found in either area. Rainbow trout move away from shore and go deep as the water heats up. Some anglers still target trout with downriggers in the summer, but this can also be a challenge with heavy boat traffic. (June 02, 2022)
Sand Hollow Reservoir (Blue Ribbon):
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Consult the Utah State Parks website for boat ramp hours. Summer in Washington County means hot temperatures and lots of boat traffic. Weekdays are no longer as quiet as they once were; pleasure boats are out on the reservoir all week. The wakeless zone on the southeast shore of Sand Hollow Reservoir provides some refuge for fishing, but it can still get a little crowded with bass boats, kayaks and paddle boards. Warmwater species (largemouth bass, bluegill and black crappie) are still active through the summer, but the heat and pleasure boaters make fishing a little more difficult. Many serious bass anglers will fish early and late, or even at night, to avoid these challenges. If fishing at night, make sure to check with state park staff for proper user fees. Bass will often be found shallow (4–15 feet) during the summer while bluegill can be found suspended over deeper water. Crappie can be found in either area. (June 02, 2022)
Sevier River in Marysvale Canyon:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Summer fishing is often difficult in Marysvale Canyon as high flows are released from Piute Reservoir for irrigation. That may change in 2022, however, as Piute Reservoir is already very low and flows will drop sooner than expected. Check for real-time flows — anything less than 200 cubic feet per second is fishable, though the river may be muddy if water is still being released off the bottom of Piute Reservoir. (June 24, 2022)
Thousand Lake Mountain:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Summer is a popular time for fishing, though Thousand Lake Mountain usually gets less attention than Boulder Mountain. Fishing can be fair to good throughout the summer, though it's often best to fish early and late in the day. A variety of tackle and techniques can provide good fishing. Consult the Thousand Lake Mountain entry on the Fish Utah Map for more fishing tips and techniques. (June 24, 2022)
Tropic Reservoir:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Catchable-sized rainbow and tiger trout are stocked in spring and early summer and can provide fair to good fishing through the summer. (June 24, 2022)
Tushar (Beaver) Mountain Lakes:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Summer is a busy time, especially on the weekends. Catchable-sized rainbow and/or tiger trout are stocked in several lakes (Little Res, Kent's Lake, Anderson Meadow Reservoir, Puffer Lake, Indian Creek Reservoir) and can provide good fishing. Fishing is often best early and late in the day. Algae blooms are common in late summer and can make fishing difficult. Consult the Tushar Mountain lakes entry on the Fish Utah map for more information about individual lakes. (June 24, 2022)
Upper Fremont River:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Summer fishing is often a little difficult due to increased releases from Johnson Reservoir. If you can figure out how to fish the higher flows, you can find abundant brown trout. The stream in Zedd's Meadow is de-watered annually, so while it looks like a nice stream in the summer, you're not likely to find many fish. Focus fishing efforts on the river below Mamoit Springs. (June 24, 2022)
Wide Hollow Reservoir:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Trout fishing slows down in the summer as the water warms up. Fishing for largemouth bass and bluegill can be good to excellent, however, and you're likely to have little fishing competition.
2021 drought impacts: Wide Hollow Reservoir was drawn very low during 2021, likely impacting rainbow trout survival. Largemouth bass and bluegill should have handled drought conditions better. (June 24, 2022)
Yankee Meadow Reservoir:
Summer fishing forecast (June through August): Summer is a busy time, especially on weekends. Rainbow trout often provide fair to good fishing throughout the summer, while cutthroat and brook trout can also be occasionally caught. Fishing from a small boat or float tube can help you avoid the crowds on shore and reach active fish that have moved to deeper water. (June 24, 2022)

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