The Crooked River is holding steady at 184 cfs

Crooked River - Prineville, OR

by The Fly Fishers Place

The Crooked River is holding steady at 184 cfs. Fishing is good, like a normal summer even though the pending low water is likely less than a month away now.
PMD’s are the dominate hatch, with Mahogany Duns and some small Baetis mixing in. Caddis are important and around much of the time, especially evenings.
Small Perdigons, Zebra Midges, Scuds, Micro Mayfly and Skinny Nelson are always favorites.
Speaking of low water and saving the Crooked from a 10 cfs future, my friend Chester and I went last thursday to a meeting at Crooked River Elementary School. The speaker panel was a crook section of Irrigation District Management, Oregon Water Resources and The Deschutes River Conservancy.
The meeting left me with many more questions than answers, and I am working on that now, relying on my friends at Water Watch for some info before I say much more.
BUT, I know we need to form a coalition for the Crooked. We need to band together and do anything we can to make sure the Crooked doesn’t run even ONE DAY at 10 cfs.
Here is one thing I am going to put out to my friends who read this report. Can someone tell me what running 25 cfs for 7 days on the Crooked River ado ton acre foot of storage in the reservoir above? I have 2 reasons to want to know that number we will talk about later.