Fish Report for 12-1-2022
Winter Weather Headed Our Way

by Doug Busey
Hello Fellow anglers. As I write this, mother nature is building up a good storm on the west side of the sierra's and is headed our way. Although fishing right now may not be on your mind. Safety should always be. By the end of this weekend, the higher passes in and out of the Tahoe area will have feet of snow on them. I have a few tips when venturing out this time of year. Make sure you have plenty of fuel, and charge up your cell phone. Also make sure you carry a charging cord in your glove box. another thing to remember, if you get stuck on the side of the road in the winter time. Most people would keep the vehicle running to keep warm. A special note: The average vehicle uses 1/2 gallon an hour while idling. So use that fuel wisely so you do not run out. Always have some power bars, bottles of water and a couple blankets with you. One other thing to throw in your vehicle is a hat, preferably a beanie cap. Most of our body heat is lost through your head. The most important thing of all, is to tell someone where you're going and when you will return. Keep in touch with people on your trip to let them know you're okay, or that you have been delayed. ninety percent of us may never have to experience a break down or getting stuck in a snow drift.
One last note: When driving on any road, paved or not. Make sure to stay on the level surface of the road. If for whatever reason you get to a point and decide to turn around. The snow makes everything a level surface, but the edges of the road may have a steep drop to them and if you try to make a wider turn than the road surface, you may end up stuck. And last but not least, drive as if the roads were covered in ice. Some highways and roads in our area never see the sun until the spring time and may have black ice hidden on top of them. I know most of us say, they have driven for years in this kind of weather. But it is nice to have a reminder of what may happen on a short trip to your local fishing hole.
The things I have mentioned are not just from a book or an article I read. But from experience of living and driving in the sierras for many years. I was stuck on a mountain for hours on a hunting trip with friends because I did not read the terrain. I did a slow motion 180 at only 10 miles an hour next to a highway patrol officer. My friend Tom and I almost went off of a embankment at Topaz lake at 5 mph because of black ice on a clear day. it is best to use a little extra caution, then become a story in the news. Here is a brief fishing report on our local waters.
CAPLES LAKE: As of last week, anglers were ice fishing by the spillway area. The lake was 75 percent iced over, but with this week's storm the lake should ice over completely. Use caution on the ice right now. The lake is yet not completely stable and the ice will vary in thickness from area to area.
SILVER LAKE: No reports on the ice on Silver lake as of this week.
RED LAKE: The lake was completely covered in ice. There were anglers out ice fishing and a few people ice skating. The area behind the dam was plowed last week, but with this new storm coming in. The roads will be a priority to plow before they get to the parking area.
BLUE LAKES, BURNSIDE LAKE, WOODS LAKE: Closed for the season. Please do not drive around closed gates.
INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: The dirt road is only plowed only partial of the way up to the first residence. The paved road is only plowed to within a quarter mile from the airport. I would recommend staying away from Indian Creek until the snow clears.
EAST CARSON RIVER ALPINE COUNTY: I talked with Joe Voss this week. They lost a few nice trout while fishing downstream from hangman's bridge fly fishing. The river is open to catch and release artificial lures or flies with barbless hooks. For those wanting to have a great winter experience. Call the Carson River Resort at 530-694-2229. They have cabin rentals available all year long. If you're lucky, you might get to stay in the cabin on the river. Fish one day and go skiing the next.
TOPAZ LAKE: The lake has come up a little. The Douglas County ramp is open. They have three docks now on the ramp. Right now the center one is in use. The two others will be in use when the water level comes up. For those planning to spend New Years at the lake, there is enough real estate for camping on the east side. Compared to last year the lake level is higher than it was in 2021.
Good luck and be safe on your next fishing adventure. If you get a photo of your catch, send it to Hope to see you on the waters and the ice soon. Good fishin' and tight lines.
Good luck on your next fishing adventure. If you have a question. a report in our local fishing area or have a photo of your catch, send it to Hope to see you on the waters. Good fishin' and tight lines.
More Reports
Carson Now Reports
for Thursday, November 17th, 2022Silver Lake: Ice has started to form around the edges of the lake
Caples Lake: Ice has started to form along the spillway and the dam area
Woods Lake: Closed
Red Lake: The lake had a thin sheet of ice on it as of last weekend
Blue Lake Lower: Road Closed For the Season
Burnside Lake: Closed for the season
Indian Creek Reservoir: The lake has some thin ice along the edges
East Carson River (CA): The river is flowing nice and very cold
Topaz Lake: Topaz Lake Fishing Report
June Lake Loop: June Lake Area Report
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley): Tuesday storm dropped about 12” of the white stuff at Benton Crossing
Owens River - Lower: Lower Owens River Report
Carson Now Reports
for Thursday, October 27th, 2022Silver Lake: This time of year is great for the big mackinaws and browns
Caples Lake: The fishing has picked up dor rainbows and browns
Red Lake: Fishing has picked up a little from shore
Blue Lake Lower: Road may close at any time
Indian Creek Reservoir: The lake is low and the fishing has been fair to good
East Carson River (CA): A few nice cutthroat trout this week and a few small rainbows
Heenan Lake : Fishing has been good for fly anglers
Topaz Lake: Fishing has been very good for trollers
Gull Lake: Gull Lake Fishing Report
June Lake: June Lake Fishing Report
Silver Lake: The marina at Silver Lake Resort and the Forestry ramp is closed
Grant Lake: Grant Lake Fishing Report
Rush Creek: Closed to Fishing
Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley): Perking up for larger Browns and Rainbows this past week
Bridgeport Reservoir: The lake level is low and the fishing has picked up for shore and boaters

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