Fish Report for 3-9-2023
Action Notice: Ocean Recreational Salmon

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
March 9, 2023 RECREATIONAL OCEAN SALMON ACTION NOTICE: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in consultation with the Pacific Fishery Management Council (PFMC), the State of Oregon, and the State of California met today via a blended conference call and in person meeting and have taken the following in-season management action related to the scheduled March 15 recreational Chinook salmon openings off Oregon between Cape Falcon and Humbug Mt.:
The recreational ocean salmon fishery scheduled to open on March 15 and continue through May 15 in ocean waters between Cape Falcon and Humbug Mt. off Oregon are canceled for 2023.
RATIONALE: Multiple stocks of California Chinook Salmon are at extremely low abundance and are projected to potentially fall below target spawning escapements. Guidance from the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) for 2023 ocean salmon seasons that include contacts with Sacramento River fall Chinook was that “extraordinary measures are needed in 2023 to address these circumstances and to ensure that fishery management is not a contributing factor.” For Klamath River fall Chinook the NMFS guidance is “that a precautionary approach is warranted and underscores the need to carefully consider the factors described in the FMP in setting the ER (exploitation rate). Given the extremely low abundance forecast and resulting low level of allowable fishing mortality, NMFS anticipates harvest opportunity will be substantially constrained in the region between Cape Falcon, Oregon, and Point Sur, California.” Oregon fisheries typically intercept these stocks throughout the entire area to the South of Cape Falcon, and these stocks are very important contributors to Oregon’s spring and summer fisheries.
Seasons from May 16, 2023 through early May 15, 2024 are currently being developed. Season alternatives will be reviewed, and a final season recommendation will be made at the April Pacific Fishery Management Council public meeting. Interested members of the public should visit for information on how to participate in the April meeting.
Visit for more information on Oregon's ocean salmon seasons and fisheries.
Contact: Eric Schindler
Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
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OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, March 1st, 2023
Wallowa River: When water levels have come up a bit from winter lows
Quartzville Creek: Flows are in relatively good shape for winter, about 240 cfs
Santiam River ( North Fork) : River is currently running around 1,530 cfs at the gauge in Mehama
Santiam River (South Fork): Currently flows are around 1,400 cfs at the Waterloo gauge
Alsea River: NF Alsea fishery is open and steady with fishing conditions
Necanicum River: The Necanicum will remain low and clear again this week
Nehalem River: The upper reaches of the Nehalem should be fishable through the week
Nehalem River- North Fork: The North Fork Nehalem remains low and clear for another week
Nestucca River: Fishing slowed on the Nestucca this past week, mostly due to the challenging weather
Salmon River: The river is low and clear and fishing pressure has been consistent
Siletz River: Road conditions are hazardous particularly in the upper portion of the gorge
Siuslaw River: Winter steelhead are moving throughout the Siuslaw River
Trask River: The river should be fishable and in decent shape throughout the week
Ben Irving Reservoir: Trout fishing can be tough
Chetco River: Rain this week has improved fishing conditions
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Trout fishing may be good on warmer days
Coquille River: The Coquille Basin steelhead rivers continue to run fairly low and clear
Diamond Lake: There have been recent reports of folks fishing on the ice and catching fish
Galesville Reservoir: Galesville water levels have recovered although it’s not yet full
Illinois River: Conditions have been low and clear
Lake Marie: Lake Marie Fishing Report
Rogue River- Lower: Very little fishing pressure
Rogue River - Middle: Current flow is around 1,600 cfs
Sixes River: Rain has blown the river out
Smith River: The Smith has been coming up with recent rain
Umpqua River: Catch rates of hatchery fish are notably lower than regular
North Umpqua River: As the flow begins to decline fishing may be good
South Umpqua River : Anglers have had some success between Stanton Park to Seven Feathers Casino
Winchuck River: Rain has improved fishing conditions

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