Lower Deschutes is All Open Now

Deschutes River- Lower - Maupin, OR

by The Fly Fishers Place

To have at least a small celebration of Opening Day, I am going to start this weeks report on the Lower Deschutes and head to Warm Springs/Mecca/Dry Creek/ Trout Creek. It’s all OPEN baby! Hooray. 

Don’t forget your boaters pass if you float the river, and don’t forget the Warm Springs Tribal Fishing License if you plan on fishing the reservation side of the river, and know where their boundaries are for allowing you to fish their lands. As a reminder they are from the fence line at Dry Creek to Trout Creek. Every year we see people anchored up on the reservation side way up river from Dry Creek and they are always clueless when they say “but I bought the permit”. 

There is no doubt you’ll want to put both black and golden stonefly nymphs on your nymphing rig this week on the lower D! No matter what section you’re on, the reality is the hatch is coming and it’s coming soon. The nymphs are moving towards shore and the fish know it. 

March Browns and Caddis (both in the #14 range) are the main 2 dries to look for. The cool kids know that swinging a Hares Ear Soft Hackle in a #12-14 is a good way to double up for matching the emergers of both!

Look for PMD and Pale Evening Duns to happen really soon. 

A plethora of nymphs are on the suggested pattern sheet for the D, but caddis pupa, soft hackles, perdigons, jigs, hares ears, soft hackle PT, rainbow warrior, zebra midge and squirmy worms. 

Trout Spey friends, it is your time to shine with soft hackles, leeches and sculpins. Perfect your D loop and smile. It’s a swing and tug!