Fish Report for 6-2-2023
Opportunity increases for recreational Pacific halibut anglers
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
NEWPORT, Ore – ODFW announces two opportunity increases for the recreational Pacific halibut fishery.
Columbia River Subarea all-depth fishery
Anglers can now fish two extra days – June 13 and 20 – in addition to being open Thursdays and Sundays through June or until quota is caught.
Recent high winds created less than ideal ocean conditions during the first month of halibut fishing so angling effort and catch were low. The two added days give anglers more opportunity to harvest halibut from the 18,375-pound initial quota. About 11,000 pounds remain.
Bag limit increase, Central Coast and Southern Oregon subareas
Beginning June 12, anglers can add another halibut to their cooler for a two-fish bag limit in these two subareas. For the Central Coast Subarea, the increased bag limit applies to the nearshore fishery as well as the spring and summer all-depth fisheries.
After a month of halibut fishing, about 120,000 pounds of halibut quota remain unharvested in the Central Coast Subarea. The halibut retained are larger this year than last year, though the fishery is tracking like 2022 when some quota was left on the table.
Anglers are reminded to immediately record landed halibut on the combined angling tag. More information on the recreational Pacific halibut fishery can be found here.
Bill Riley caught this nice 42-inch halibut out of Charleston while on a chartered fishing trip. Photo courtesy of Bill Riley.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Friday, June 2nd, 2023
Umpqua River: June 1 begins temporary angling restrictions on Umpqua River
: ODFW Recreation Report
Coquille River: Spearfishing and bait use for smallmouth bass temporarily allowed on Coquille River system
Lookingglass Creek: Lookingglass Creek opens June 3 for spring Chinook fishing
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, May 24th, 2023Umatilla River: Rains and increased temperatures have significantly increased flows
Walla Walla River: Trout fishing on the Walla Walla, and its tributaries, opened May 22
Crane Prairie Reservoir: 88 percent full
Crescent Lake: Crescent Lake is currently 16 percent full
Davis Lake: Davis Lake water level remains low, making launching boats difficult
East Lake: Access to boat ramps at East Lake is limited by snow
Haystack Reservoir: The reservoir is currently 88 percent full
Hood River: Winter steelhead are still in the Hood River, but fishing has started to slow down
Metolius River: The Metolius River continues to fish well
North Twin Lake: Anglers report good fishing for holdover and stocked trout
Ochoco Reservoir: The reservoir is 72 percent full
Paulina Lake: The Paulina Lake Road is now open
Prinevile Reservoir: Prineville Reservoir at 100 percent full
South Twin Lake: Anglers report good fishing for holdover and stocked trout
Wickiup Reservoir: Anglers report good kokanee and bass fishing
Breitenbush River: The river is flowing a bit high due to snow melt
Foster Reservoir: The reservoir will be stocked this week with about 3,800 trout
Santiam River ( North Fork) Above Detroit Lake: Flows are currently around 1,700 cfs
Santiam River (South Fork): Currently flows are around 2,500 cfs at the Waterloo gauge
Kilchis River: There is plenty of fishing access on the Kilchis River
Necanicum River: Trout season reopened May 22
Siletz River: Likely the final push of winter steelhead are moving through the Siletz basin
Trask River: Fishing has picked up this week with fish being caught daily
Wilson River: Trout season re-opened May 22nd
Chetco River: Trout fishing opened this week
Elk River: Cutthroat trout should be spread throughout the river
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant is 74 percent full
Fish Lake : Fish Lake is at 57 percent full
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Howard Prairie is at 50 percent full
Hyatt Lake: Hyatt is 57 percent full
Illinois River: The Illinois is open again for trout fishing
Rogue River- Lower: Water conditions continue to be excellent for late season spring Chinook fishing
Rogue River - Middle: Current flow is around 4,400 cfs
Rogue River- Upper: The release from Lost Creek Reservoir is around 3,800 cfs and 49F
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek): Trout releases will start again this week in time for Memorial Day weekend
Sixes River: Cuthroat are scattered throughout the river
Winchuck River: Cutthroat trout are scattered throughout the river
Ana Reservoir: People have been doing extremely well trolling and using bait on the bank
Gerber Reservoir: Targeting yellow perch continues to be your best bet
Lake Of The Woods: Fishing should be excellent this week for hatchery rainbow trout

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