Williamson River Fish Report for 6-6-2023
Williamson River Report
Williamson River

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Fishing should be excellent with the black drake mayflies hatching. Flows are at 55 cfs. The river is slightly offcolor. The best method is to look for rising trout to black drake mayfly spinners.The lower section of the Williamson River near Old Rocky Ford is best fishing. .
Opened on Monday, May 22. The river is fishable at 909 cfs. Numerous hatches of mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies are hatching. Currently, small mayflies are the best insect to match. A size 16 pheasant tail matches this hatch well. A few suckers might still be spawning and sucker egg patterns can be excellent. Some very large bright redband trout are entering the river thus larger leech and streamer patterns can catch these. Please remember no treble hooks or bait allowed on the river. Most fly anglers use a clear intermediate fly line on 6 to 8 pound fluorocarbon leaders and swing fly patterns deep.
Areas above Chiloquin will be crystal clear, very cold water. Fishing is always very challenging in this stretch.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Tuesday, June 6th, 2023
Umatilla River: Anglers have found success through Pendleton, as well as in the upper headwaters
Hood River: Lots of report of spring Chinook caught in the Hood River this week
Ochoco Reservoir: The reservoir is 72 percent full
Prinevile Reservoir: Prineville Reservoir at 99 percent full
Wickiup Reservoir: Anglers report good kokanee and bass fishing
Blue River Reservoir: The reservoir level has increased greatly in the past two weeks
Gold Lake: Road and the gate remains closed
Henry Hagg Lake: Henry Hagg Lake Fishing Report
McKenzie River: Chinook fishing should be heating up on the McKenzie
Sandy River: Bright summer steelhead have made it all the way to the hatchery
Santiam River ( North Fork) : River is currently running at around 1,300 cfs at the gauge in Mehama
Santiam River ( North Fork) Above Detroit Lake: Flows are currently around 840 cfs where it flows into Detroit Reservoir and dropping
Santiam River (South Fork): Currently flows are around 2,200 cfs at the Waterloo gauge
Trillium Lake: Trout stocking in Trillium has been underway
Alsea River: Alsea River Report
Necanicum River: Cutthroat should be available in most locations
Nestucca River: Spring Chinook fishing is fair on the Nestucca River
Salmon River: Check out the sea run cutthroat fishery in the area
Siletz River: Going into the weekend the Siletz will be your best bet for any early summer steelhead
Siuslaw River: Check out trout in the Siuslaw this weekend!
Yaquina River: Yaquina River Fishing Report
Lake Marie: Trout fishing at Lake Marie is good
John C Boyle Reservoir: There are abundant brown bullhead catfish
Upper Klamath Lake: Fishing continues to improve and has been fair all over the lake
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Klamath River Fishing Report
Phillips Reservoir: Phillips Reservoir is nearly ¾ full and continues to slowly fill
Sprague River: Black drake mayflies are hatching throughout
South Fork Sprague River: Flows have dropped to 78 cfs
Sycan River: Flows are at 168 cfs
The reservoir is 46 percent full
Gerber Reservoir
Open all year. If you can find crappie then fishing should be good. Targeting yellow perch continues to be your best...... Read More

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