Arizona Fish Report
Fish Report for 6-22-2023
Fish Report for 6-22-2023
ODFW Recreation Report

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
06/22/2023 12:56 PM PDT
Best bets for weekend fishing
If you want to go fishing this weekend, you’ve got choices! Here are a few to consider:
- There’s early summer steelhead fishing in rivers like the Sandy, Siletz and lower Rogue.
- This should be a good time to target Chinook in the Middle and Coast forks of the Willamette.
- The ocean is now open to hatchery coho fishing.
- Halibut fishing in the Central Coast and Southern Oregon subareas, where the bag limit has been increased to 2.
- Summer Chinook and shad are open on the Columbia. The summer season began June 16.
- Striped bass are spread throughout the tidewater in the Coquille River.
- Surfperch move closer to shore during the early summer for spawning.
- It’s a great time to fish for cutthroat trout on north and south coast rivers. 7 tips for catching coastal cutthroat.
Need more intel or ideas? Check out the zone reports.
No selfies with seals and/or sea lions
Instead, please keep your distance from seals and sea lions resting on the beach or rocks. Harbor seal pupping is in full swing, and you might see a lone pup on the beach while Mom is off feeding. She’s unlikely to rejoin her pup if you’re too close. Here are more reasons to keep your distance from wildlife on the beach.
Didn’t draw a tag?
Bummer. But there are ways to still have a great fall hunting season. Check out these options.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, June 14th, 2023John Day River: Steelhead fishing is closed in the John Day River
Umatilla River: Flows continuing to drop and water temperatures increasing
Crane Prairie Reservoir: Anglers report inconsistent trout fishing and good bass fishing
Crescent Lake: Crescent Lake is currently 20 percent full
Haystack Reservoir: The reservoir is currently 85 percent full
Odell Lake: Anglers report fair kokanee fishing and good lake trout fishing
Paulina Lake: Anglers report that kokanee fishing has picked up
Green Peter Reservoir: The reservoir is just below full pool
Santiam River ( North Fork) Above Detroit Lake: Flows are currently around 700 cfs
Santiam River (South Fork): Currently flows are around 1,800 cfs at the Waterloo gauge
Willamette River: Oregon City/Gladstone area is good for shad fishing
Siletz River: The first few summer steelhead have been seen higher up in the system
Trask River: Fishing pressure has been high around the hatcher
Yaquina River: The Yaquina is also back open for trout fishing
Agate Lake: Agate Reservoir is 94 percent full
Applegate Reservoir: Applegate Reservoir Fishing Report
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant is 68 percent full
Fish Lake : Fish Lake is at 62 percent full
Hyatt Lake: Hyatt is 60 percent full
Illinois River: The Illinois is open again for trout fishing
Rogue River - Middle: Current flow is around 2,800 cfs
Rogue River- Upper: Dodge Bridge is around 2,700 cfs
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek): Holdover trout are still available
Tenmile Lakes: The lake surface water temperature is in the upper 60s
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, June 7th, 2023Crescent Lake: Open to fishing all year. Crescent Lake is currently 19 percent full
Crooked River: Crooked River Report
Haystack Reservoir: The reservoir is currently 63 percent full
Hosmer Lake: Anglers report good cutthroat and rainbow trout fishing
Breitenbush River: River flows have dropped and are now around 350 cfs
Kilchis River: Cutthroat are available throughout the river
Trask River: Fishing has been fair overall but is improving
Wilson River: Best fishing is generally during low light periods
Applegate Reservoir: Applegate Reservoir has been stocked with rainbow trout multiple times over the last few months
Applegate River: The Applegate River is at approximately 800cfs
Ben Irving Reservoir: No recent reports from Ben Irving
Cooper Creek Reservoir: Bass fishing is picking up in the morning hours
Coquille River: Striped bass should be active in the mid to upper sections of tidewater
Diamond Lake: The lake is completely iced-off and angling has been steady
Eel Lake: Surface water temperature on Eel Lake is in the mid 60s
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant is 70 percent full
Fish Lake : Fish Lake is at 61 percent full
Galesville Reservoir: Galesville continues to be a good option for anglers looking to catch trout as well as warmwater fish
Hyatt Lake: Hyatt is 59 percent ful
Illinois River: The Illinois is open again for trout fishing
Lemolo Lake: Many rainbow trout were stocked into Lemolo a couple of weeks ago
Lost Creek Lake: Bank anglers have had good access on either side of the dam
Plat I Reservoir: No recent reports for Plat I
Rogue River - Middle: Current flow is around 3,050 cfs
Rogue River- Upper: The release from Lost Creek Reservoir is around 2,800 cfs
Rogue River- Upper (Above Lost Creek): There is still a lot of snow melting and river level is up a bit
Sixes River: Cuthroat are scattered throughout the river
Smith River: Smith River has opened for trout fishing
Tenmile Lakes: The lake surface water temperature is in the mid to upper 60s this past week
Umpqua River: Fishing conditions on the mainstem Umpqua are looking good this week
Winchuck River: Cutthroat trout are scattered throughout the river
Holbrook Reservoir: The reservoir is full and was stocked again
Lofton Reservoir: Lofton Reservoir Report
Pit River: Releases from Lake Britton remain around 330 CFS © 2025. All Rights Reserved.
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