Rogue River- Upper Fish Report for 7-5-2023
Early run summer steelhead are in
Rogue River- Upper - Medford, OR (Jackson County)

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
The release from Lost Creek Reservoir is around 1,800 cfs and 53F. Dodge Bridge is around 1,900 cfs and mid-60s F. Expect river levels to stay near this level or drop slightly for a bit.
Early run summer steelhead are in. Last week 137 swim-ins at the hatchery brings the season total to 236. Several anglers have caught early summer steelhead on swung dry flies and small lures.
Spring Chinook continue to show up at the hatchery. Last week 1,293 new Chinook entered the trap, bringing the season total to 6,135. Many anglers have switched gears to Chinook fishing, which has been productive with bait-wrapped plugs or drifting eggs.
No wild spring Chinook harvest is allowed upstream of Dodge Bridge and the “hatchery hole” is closed to Chinook fishing. Make sure to check the Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations for each section of river before you head out.
Trout season re-opened on May 22 and the salmon fly hatch is winding down. Lures and flies should be productive.
Please avoid wading in and fishing near salmon/steelhead redds.
For up-to-date river levels, check all the USGS Rogue gauges here.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, July 5th, 2023
Grande Ronde River: Trout fishing in the Grande Ronde River has been fair to good
Imnaha River: Imnaha River Fishing Report
Wallowa River: Wallowa Lake has been stocked with trout this year
Wallowa River: Fishing for trout and mountain whitefish can be good
Haystack Reservoir: Haystack Reservoir Report
Ochoco Reservoir: The reservoir is 64 percent full
Prinevile Reservoir: Prineville Reservoir at 90 percent full
Wickiup Reservoir: Anglers report fair kokanee and bass fishing
Breitenbush River: The Forest Service Road (FR 46) up the Breitenbush River has re-opened
Detroit Reservoir: Currently the reservoir is at full pool and all boat ramps are in the water
Harriett Lake: No recent reports
Santiam River ( North Fork) : The spring Chinook are entering the upper Willamette basin
Santiam River (South Fork): Currently flows are around 1,000 cfs at the Waterloo gauge
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant is 61 percent full
Howard Prairie Reservoir: Howard Prairie is at 48 percent full and on the drop
Hyatt Lake: Hyatt is 55 percent full and dropping
Rogue River- Lower: Slow
Rogue River - Middle: Early summer steelhead are moving through the middle Rogue

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