Arizona Fish Report
Fish Report for 7-20-2023
Fish Report for 7-20-2023
Doug Busey Eastern Sierra Fishing Report

Mike and Holden Moghaddam. 7.4 lb rainbow caught at Bridgeport reservoir.
Picture by Bridgeport Marina. A BFEF tagged trout
by Doug Busey
Hello fellow anglers. No matter where you go, you will not be able to outrun the heat of the day. I talked with a friend in Alabama the other day.. she told me it got to 95 degrees at her location, while here in Carson Valley the temperature was 102 degrees. In Alabama they have 65 to 80% humidity and you feel it as soon as you walk out the door. In the high desert of Nevada, we usually have a humidity rate of 6 to 10 %. Yes it is hot, but you don't start to sweat right away. Both areas are equally dangerous with these extreme temperatures. Heat exhaustion can be recognized by six simple symptoms. tiredness, dizziness, headache, feeling sick or being sick, excessive sweating and skin becoming pale and clammy or getting a heat rash, cramps in the arms, legs and stomach, fast breathing or heartbeat. Make sure to drink plenty of water or drinks with electrolytes. We are all going to sweat a little in this heat. It's when you stop sweating that you need to be concerned. And by all means, Don't drink caffeinated or alcoholic beverages, which can add to dehydration. Try cooling measures. If possible, take a cool shower, soak in a cool bath or put towels soaked in cool water on your skin. If you're outdoors and not near shelter, soaking in a cool pond or stream can help bring your temperature down. Let's all keep an eye on each other as we enjoy the great outdoors.
SILVER LAKE HIGHWAY 88: The level is at 103 percent. The snow melt has slowed down. The CDFW planted the lake this week with catchable rainbow trout. The boat ramp is open and used at your own risk. Keep an eye on your depth finder as there is one way in and out of the main lake area. Hold more to the left bank and follow the creek channel out. Watch for prop eating rocks. The fishing has been fair for macs early AM and small rainbow by the spillway. The east campground is open, while the west side is still closed for repairs.
b The lake is at 98% and there has been a lot of activity at the EID boat ramp. The fishing has been a little slow for shore and boaters. One angler did catch a couple nice mackinaws last week. The Caple lake Resort is open for cabin, boat and kayak rentals. The campground has now opened across from the resort. For more information stop by the Caples Lake Resort.
WOODS CREEK ACCESS AREA: The gate is now open. Be careful of the snow drifts while hiking in the area.
WOODS LAKE: The lake is not officially open. But many people have parked just before the bridge and have been hiking in.
RED LAKE: The CDFW planted the lake with catchable rainbows this week. The water level is up and the fishing has been fair. Make sure to bring your mosquito repellant.
BLUE LAKES: The road is open to the lower lake. As of this week the lake still had ice covering half of it. The road to Upper Blue Lakes is closed due to snow and mud. No report on fishing conditions as of this week.
TAMARACK LAKE, UPPER AND LOWER SUNSET LAKES: Closed due to 3 to 4 feet of snow still covering the road.
INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: The lake has a high level of blue green algae. If you venture in to fish, make sure to bring clean water to rinse your hands. Do not allow pets to swim or drink from the lake. If you keep any fish, it is recommended to clean your fish and rinse the fillets at home in clean water. For More information, stop by the Creekside Lodge.
CARSON RIVER WEST FORK ALPINE COUNTY: The river was running at 235 CFS as of this week. The CDFW has planted the river with catchable rainbow trout. Fishing has been fair for angler using salmon eggs or small spinners. The handicap access area in Hope Valley is open. Alpine County has not planted the river yet, but is scheduled in the near future. For more information stop by the creekside Lodge.
CARSON RIVER EAST FORK ALPINE COUNTY: The river has cleared up a little, but is still running at 1200 CFS.The CDFW is scheduled to plant this week with catchable rainbow trout. Alpine County has not planted the river as of this week. But it is scheduled to start planting soon. Due to the fast moving water, I have not had any reports for this week and have not fished it myself. The Carson River Resort is open for tent and RV camping. For more information stop by the Carson River resort.
EAST FORK WALKER RIVER: The East is down to about 638 cfs now and is starting to fish pretty well. It’s still a bit high for lots of anglers and there is limited water that is not running too fast to fish so some areas of the river are tending to get a little crowded at times. There are lots of really nice rainbows being caught lately, as well as a few nice browns. Most of the action we’ve been hearing about has been with streamers but there are a few anglers Euro nymphing or straight indicator nymphing and hooking some fish. Some patterns to give a try include: perdigon nymphs, fox’s poopah, buckskin caddis, psycho prince, zuddler, moal leech, sculpzilla, dead drift crayfish and hornbergs. For more information stop by Ken's Sporting Goods.
WEST FORK WALKER RIVER: The flows on the West have come down to around 1800 TO 2150 CFS depending on the time of day lately, this is starting to look up! We spoke with one angler who was able to find some softer water near the Highway 395 bridge and pull 3 nice rainbows out. Until the flows come down a bit more that’s what it will take, finding some of the softer water and back eddy’s where fish might be hanging out and get some bait or lures in there to them. The way the flows have been coming down it may only be a few more weeks before it really lights up. For more information stop by Ken's Sporting Goods.
TOPAZ LAKE: The lake level is holding and the fishing has been a little slow. Best action is half an hour before sunrise until 10AM. Flasher and a crawler or Rapalas have been successful. Shoe action has been spotty.
BRIDGEPORT RESERVOIR: Renee and I ventured up and camped for a few days. The water level is up and the marina is open for launching and mooring. They also offer RV and tent camping right on the lake shore, if you're really adventurous try one of the Tent cabins as we did. Plenty of room with a queen sized bed and your own personal deck to watch the sun go down. The first day we trolled from 630 AM to about 1PM ( we did have the canopy up ) . The day time temp was only in the mid 80's, but the direct sun exposure felt like over 100. We caught and released 17 rainbows all around the 14 to 18 inch range. Next day I fished from 6 AM until 10 Am and caught 15 rainbows in the same category, with the exception of one 4 lb BFEF tagged rainbow. We were using J7 blk/silver or Perch colored Rapalas. Many anglers anchor across the lake off of rainbow point with nightcrawlers. For more information stop by the Bridgeport Marina.
Gull Lake: Lake has been fishing well, getting limits of those state stocked fish and an occasional two to four pounder. We typically bait fish here using mostly floating baits. Fish have been grab’n Powerbait, Mice Tails, and Garlic Pinch Crawlers. As usually is the case, best overall has been Garlic Powerbait. For some unknown reason to me, I have not got anything on a nightcrawler under a bobber. The past few years this was one of the best methods and may kick in soon
Gull Lake: Lake has been fishing well, getting limits of those state stocked fish and an occasional two to four pounder. We typically bait fish here using mostly floating baits. Fish have been grab’n Powerbait, Mice Tails, and Garlic Pinch Crawlers. As usually is the case, best overall has been Garlic Powerbait. For some unknown reason to me, I have not got anything on a nightcrawler under a bobber. The past few years this was one of the best methods and may kick in soon
JUNE LAKE: Fishing here has been a tad bit slower than Gull using the same methods. Only difference is we’ve seen a few Cutthroats in our nets. Since these are Wild Trout we cut the line, take a quick photo, then back in the water they go. We encourage you to do the same. Silver and grant lakes: Haven’t fished these as yet so check out the websites or call Silver Lake Resort and Grant Lake Resort for info. Also, for Grant, Dan’s Guide Service website.
UPPER OWENS RIVER ABOVE CROWLEY: The Owens is showing some signs of life recently after being downright lousy most of May and June. Been getting a few 6” to 10” mostly Brown’s each day with a couple 18” to 20” here and there with either a Beadhead Flashback Pheasant Tail nymph or Wooly Buggers and Caddis Fly dries fishing downstream style. We’re hoping for a good “Hopper Season” come August.
Good luck on your next fishing adventure. Make sure you know the campfire regulations wherever you may venture too, and bring sunscreen and mosquito repellent. If you get a picture of your catch, send it to Hope to see you on the waters soon. Good fishin" and tight lines.

Ian Seppard with a 6.5 lb rainbow from Bridgeport Reservoir. Picture from Bridgeport Marina.
Good luck on your next fishing adventure. If you have a question. a report in our local fishing area or have a photo of your catch, send it to Hope to see you on the waters. Good fishin' and tight lines.
More Reports
Carson Now Reports
for Thursday, June 29th, 2023Silver Lake: The lake level is up and the boat ramp is open
Caples Lake: The lake level is at full capacity and the fishing has been very good
Red Lake: The lake level is up and the fishing has been fair
Woods Lake: Closed due to snow
Burnside Lake: Closed at the first gate due to snow and muddy roads
Blue Lake Lower: The road is open to the 4th gate, approximately 7 miles in
Indian Creek Reservoir: Fishing has been fair to good
West Carson River (CA): This week the flow were at 370 CFS in the Hope valley area
East Carson River (CA): The river has cleaned up a little with a slight green tint
Markleeville Creek: The water flows were at 170 CFS and expected to rise
Topaz Lake: Topaz Lake Fishing Report
West Walker River (CA): The river was running at 2700 CFS this week and expected to rise
East Walker River (CA): Down by the Bridgeport area the river was running at 100 CFS this week
East Carson River (NV): By the broken dam, the river was running at 2000 CFS and is fridged
Bridgeport Reservoir: The lake level is up and has cleared up
Carson Now Reports
for Thursday, June 8th, 2023Silver Lake: The lake is currently 67 percent full, and about 80 percent of the ice has melted
Caples Lake: The lake is currently 75 percent full, with about 90 percent of it still covered in ice
Red Lake: Approximately 80 percent of Red Lake is still covered in ice
Blue Lake Lower: The road is open to the second gate
West Carson River (CA): The water is running high in the Woodfords Canyon area
East Carson River (CA): The river is still flowing strongly and is not suitable for fishing at the moment
Indian Creek Reservoir: The lake level has risen, and weeds are starting to appear
Topaz Lake: The lake level has increased by about a foot
Bridgeport Reservoir: The lake level on Bridgeport has risen significantly but is still very low
Twin Lakes (Bridgeport): The fishing action at the Twins is still very good
June Lake: June Lake Fishing Report
Gull Lake: Gull Lake Fishing Report
Rush Creek: The creek is currently flowing very high and fast
Grant Lake: Grant Lake Fishing Report © 2025. All Rights Reserved.
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