Umatilla River Fish Report for 8-30-2023
Anglers should focus on deeper holes
Umatilla River - Umatilla, OR
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
With flows still low and water temperatures starting to finally cool, anglers should head to upper headwaters this Labor Day weekend in search of trout. Anglers should focus on deeper holes. If you catch a bull trout, recognized by its white spots, please keep it in the water and release it as quickly as possible.
The fall Chinook, coho and summer steelhead fishery on the Umatilla River opens Sept. 1, 2023. The bag limit is 3 adult fall Chinook salmon, coho salmon or hatchery summer steelhead in aggregate per day and jack salmon.
The fall fisheries will be monitored very closely by fisheries managers to make sure that enough fish are returning for the Umatilla broodstock programs, but returns should provide angling opportunities to harvest fall Chinook, coho and steelhead this year.
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