Hat Creek Fish Report for 9-14-2023
The storms have come and gone and the Hat Creek Valley is cooling of
Hat Creek - CA (Shasta County)

by The Fly Shop
The storms have come and gone and the Hat Creek Valley is cooling off and we are looking at a super fall season. Hoppers are still around and some fish will come up to eat them if you are stealthy. The Hopper Grande in brown or tan #14 or 12 should work well. Super small white Mayflies and midges are abundant, this storm should have the Blue Wing Olives hatching in force. Tricos should continue for a while. The Callibaetis are small right now, Bring size #18 &20 for the Callibaetis, and #16 or smaller for the PMDs. Nymph-wise, if you are fishing the flats, the BP Weiss nymph, X-Mays in #18, or Sweet Peas are great to have along with some Peaches n' Cream and Zallibaetis. Fishing those under a small indicator or swung and stripped can get fish. The north sections below the 299 bridge are great places to swing cinnamon Poopahs or Soft Hackles in the evenings.
Hot Flies: TB Drowned Rusty Spinner, Rubberlegs, Sweet Pea Jigged Baetis, Pheasant Tails, Mercer's Missing Link, and Green Drakes
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The Fly Shop Reports
for Thursday, September 7th, 2023
Fall River: We are getting some cool nights and will get some rain tomorrow and Saturday morning
Hat Creek - Middle: Hoppers are still around and some fish will come up to eat them if you are stealthy
Klamath River - Middle: The lower river saw some cloudiness and is now clearing up
McCloud River: The river continues to clear on the gage and from what we see on the lower end
Pit River: The river is cooling off and fishing well from Pit 3 down past Big Bend to the JB Black Powerhouse
Trinity River: There are a few fish in the system and the water is in good shape
Sacramento River - Upper: The river is in great shape from the top to the bottom
Baum Lake: The lake has had consistent hatches of Blue Wing Olives lately that have fish looking up
Shasta Lake: You will find Spotted Bass early and late cruising the shoreline
Manzanita Lake: The weather is beginning to cool off and Manzanita is a good option

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