Fall River Fish Report for 10-5-2023
Callibaetis are coming off in most reaches
Fall River - Fall River Mills, CA (Shasta County)

by The Fly Shop
With everyone fishing on the Lower Sac & Trinity now the Fall would be a good option to find some peace & solitude. Callibaetis are coming off in most reaches, think size #18 or smaller. The Angler's Curse, Canis Mayflies, are likewise a predominant hatch during the mid morning along with a good Blue Wing Olive hatch most days in the afternoons. Blue Wing Olives are beginning to show in greater numbers in the afternoons. Water Boatmen are good to throw when no hatches are bringing the fish up top. Theo's Boatman or an Amber Bubbleback Caddis work very well when swung and stripped. Otherwise, nymphs like the Sweet Pea, olive and brown S&Ms #16 & 18, Olive Hotspot in #18, and the Red Headed Stepchild and RK Sin City in #18 continue to be super effective. Try some leeches fished deep for the large fish in cutbanks.
Hot Flies: TB Drowned Rusty Spinner, PMD's, Norman's Wiggletails, Pheasant Tails, Mercer's Missing Link, Zug Bugs, and Leeches.
More Reports
The Fly Shop Reports
for Friday, September 29th, 2023
Fall River: The weather continues to cool off in the Fall River Valley
Hat Creek: Callibaetis are still hatching and the current class is small
Klamath River - Middle: There are fish below Weitchepec and in the lower river for sure
Sacramento River - Lower: Target releases from Keswick are 6,600 CFS
McCloud River: Clarity should be good to go on the upper end of the McCloud
Pit River: Pit 3 down to the Pit 5 powerhouse is still fishing super well
Trinity River: More fish are showing up and there are some bright players out there for sure
Sacramento River - Upper: The river is in great shape from the top to the bottom
The Fly Shop Reports
for Wednesday, September 27th, 2023
Keswick Reservoir: The reservoir is fishing well
Shasta Lake: The water is beginning to cool
Manzanita Lake: The weather is beginning to cool off and Manzanita is a good option

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