Fish Report for 10-26-2023
ODFW Recreation Report

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Western streams close to trout Oct. 31
This is the last weekend to fish for trout in most rivers and streams in the NW, SW and Willamette zones. Statewide, several other popular fisheries close to trout after Oct. 1, including Laurance Lake, Odell Lake, Wikiup Reservoir, the Wood and Williamson rivers, and others.
Rogue-South Coast Steelhead Validation and Harvest Tag go on sale Nov. 1
All winter steelhead anglers in the Rogue Basin and on the south coast will need a Rogue-South Coast Steelhead Validation from Dec. 1 to April 30. In addition, anglers will need a new harvest tag to keep wild winter steelhead in this area.
The new validations will provide more accurate harvest information and close annual harvest loopholes on certain daily licenses. Learn more about this new validation and harvest tag.
Find coastal river salmon regulations
Find the latest regulation updates for coho and Chinook fishing in coastal rivers for the NW Zone and SW Zone.
Best bets for weekend fishing
Salmon and trout fishing continue to top the list of best bets. Here are just a few suggestions.
- Chinook are moving up into tidewater throughout most Mid Coast basins with more reports of fish being caught in the Siuslaw and Siletz.
- Angler attention on the lower Rogue has switched to trout and steelhead half-pounders.
- Coho are now plentiful in the Willamette River and are sometimes concentrated at the mouths of tributaries systems such as the Yamhill, Rickreall, Molalla and Luckiamute.
- Salmon fishing in the lower Deschutes remains good, with Chinook anglers catching fish near the mouth and coho anglers having success at Sherars Falls.
- Both steelhead and coho fishing are picking up on the Grande Ronde River.
- After some recent cool, wet weather, look for steelhead to be on the move in the John Day.
- October is a great month for trout anglers to hit popular lakes and reservoirs like the Howard Prairie, Hyatt, Fish Lake and Lost Creek Reservoir in the Rogue Basin, and Diamond Lake, Galesville Reservoir and Lake in the Woods in the Umpqua. Fish are hungry and bulking up for the lean winter months.
This list is for demonstration purposed only. Check the zone reports for even more options.
Watch for wildlife on roads and highways
Vehicle collisions with deer and elk tend to peak in October and November with the onset of both migration and breeding seasons. Here are some tips for avoiding close, and unfortunate, encounters with Oregon's wildlife.

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