The Lower Deschutes is fishing well for trout

Deschutes River- Lower - Maupin, OR

by The Fly Fishers Place

The Lower Deschutes is fishing well for trout, and we are certainly finding a good number of Steelhead around in the WS to TC drift.
A very important reminder that the Warm Springs Tribal Side closes on November 1st and that means when you fish from WS to TC, you can only fish the east side of the main channel. Watch that carefully because it is strict closures on the tribal side starting 11/1/23 and doesn’t open again until 4/22/24. Warm Springs at the Guardrail Hole, the WS Boat Ramp, Mecca, Trout Creek, South Jct are all open, and floating WS to TC has tons of access east of the main channel at those points and on quite a few of the islands and gravel bars we all like to stop to fish.
Stonefly nymphs both Black #4-10 and Golden #8-10, October Caddis Pupa #8, Tan Caddis Pupa #16, Perdigons, Jigs, Copper John, Blue Psycho Prince and Juju or Micro Mayfly Baetis will do the trick.
There are fish nosing up in the eddies, and a BWO emerger or dry #18 will be best, Purple Haze #16-18, Fin Fetcher Caddis #16-18 and Black Midge Winkler #18-20.
I’m not saying I wouldn’t try a scandi and a traditional steelhead fly like a green butt skunk or euphoria, but likely with the cooler nights the action will be better now on your skagit and sink tip rigs and a leech or intruder for the rest of the fall when swinging for steelhead.
Take advantage of our Fall Guide Trip special and save $150 off peak season prices for the month of november!