The Alsea River has been fair the past few weeks

Alsea River - Alsea, OR

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff

The Alsea River has been fair the past few weeks. The first component of the run has come in and as we move further into March fish are still being caught. The Alsea Hatchery holes have been providing some steady bank fishing for some of these fish. There are hatchery steelhead open for retention in the Alsea Basin. Bright chrome fish are still being caught at the hatchery; however, the bite has definitely slowed. ‌

The upper Alsea floats have also been producing a decent number of fish as a new batch of fish works its way up into the system. Newer fish have been filtering into the system, as the water stays cold and clear. The bite is definitely slowing down as we have passed the peak of the season but fish are definitely still being caught! ‌

After the rains we got last week, the river should see some more fish moving throughout the basin, and levels will be low and clear going into this weekend. The weekend will be clear and provide some excellent fishing conditions. The rain throughout the week will provide fish some maneuver space and move throughout the basin. ‌

Check the regulations before you head out this weekend!

More Reports

OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024

Agate Lake: Redband trout are moving around
Campbell Reservoir: Catch rates for largemouth bass should be improving
Fourmile Lake: The Lake is blocked by snow and is currently 33 percent full
Gerber Reservoir: The reservoir is 41 percent full
Upper Klamath Lake: Fishing from shore at Howard Bay and Shoalwater Bay is improving slightly
Klamath River - Upper - OR: Klamath River Fishing Report
Lake Of The Woods: The lake is open water
Phillips Reservoir: Phillips held a good bit of water over winter and is now over half full
Pilcher Reservoir: Both reservoirs should fill throughout the spring
Thief Valley Reservoir: Over winter and throughout the spring, fishing has been good at times
Unity Reservoir: Unity Reservoir can be one of the most consistent trout fisheries in eastern Oregon
Applegate Reservoir: The reservoir is high enough now that Copper Boat Ramp is usable along with French Gulch
Arizona Pond: ODFW placed aquatic weed mats in the pond so anglers will see buoys indicating their presence
Ben Irving Reservoir: This should be a good time to fish Ben Irving
Cooper Creek Reservoir: No recent reports, but there should be some good trout fishing now
Coquille River: There are still a few hatchery and wild steelhead in the North Fork Coquille and South Fork
Diamond Lake: No recent reports from Diamond Lake. Ice conditions were decent for the past couple of weeks
Emigrant Reservoir: Emigrant is 53 percent full
Empire Lake Lower: Trophy trout were stocked in mid-March into Lower and Middle Empire lakes
Expo Pond: Fishing for warmwater fish should start picking up this weekend
Galesville Reservoir: No direct reports from anglers, but stories that some of the trophy trout have been being caught
Lake Marie: Lake Marie was recently stocked
Lake Selmac: Selmac will be stocked again this week
Lemolo Lake: Conditions remain the same for Lemolo
Lost Creek Lake: The Takelma and Stewart boat ramps are available for access by trailered boats
Rogue River - Middle: There are currently great conditions in the middle Rogue for fishing
Rogue River- Upper: Winter steelhead continue to move into the upper Rogue
Umpqua River: The mainstem has decent water conditions this week
North Umpqua River: Steelhead season is winding down quickly
South Umpqua River : Steelhead runs have slowed quickly this past week
Willow Lake: Willow is now 100 percent full

LA GRANDE, Ore. – On March 29 near Lookingglass Hatchery in northeast Oregon, a fish tanker truck was involved in an...... Read More