Flows are up and will continue to increase as we finally start to see our runoff peak

East Carson River (NV) - Minden, NV (Douglas County)

by Nevada Department of Wildlife

Flows are up and will continue to increase as we finally start to see our runoff peak over the next month. Stocking around Broken Dam will pickup when flows start to come down later this spring. High flows will make wading dangerous, be sure to use caution if you must get out.

More Reports

Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Tuesday, April 16th, 2024

Bilk Creek Reservoir: Bilk has had a few tough years but should improve when trout stocking begins again
Carson River: Flows are about to go way up with the spring snowmelt

Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, April 10th, 2024

Baily Fishing Pond: Baily is fishing excellent and has been stocked well this spring
Baily Fishing Pond: Baily is fishing excellent and has been stocked well this spring