The gauge above the reservoir reading 605 cfs

Humboldt River - South Fork - Elko, NV (Elko County)

by Nevada Department of Wildlife

Snowmelt is causing the river to swell greatly, with the gauge above the reservoir reading 605 cfs as of 5/24/2024. Increased flows are resulting in turbid water both above and below the reservoir, and difficult fishing conditions. Use caution during this time. Special Regulation: Artificial lures with single barbless hooks only above the Lucky Nugget causeway. Limit of 1 trout.

More Reports

Nevada Department of Wildlife Reports
for Friday, May 24th, 2024
Bruneau River: Flows are receding
Wilson Reservoir: Trout fishing should be fair to good
Cold Creek Reservoir: Cold Creek Reservoir is at 90 percent of capacity
Comins Lake: Fishing has significantly improved compared to last year

Kids Carp Derby
Lahontan Reservoir

The kids carp derby is back! Join us at the Churchill County Day Use Area at Lahontan Reservoir on Saturday...... Read More