Santiam River (South Fork) Fish Report for 5-22-2024
Summer steelhead are off to a pretty good start this year
Santiam River (South Fork) - Sweet Home, OR (Linn County)
by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Fishing is generally best when flows are below 3,000 cfs. Currently flows have dropped quite a bit over the last week and are now at 1,300 cfs at the Waterloo gauge as of May 20. These conditions are less than ideal but should recover relatively quickly with dry weather expected the rest of this week.
Summer steelhead are off to a pretty good start this year with about 5,420 adults having crossed into the upper Willamette River as of May 14. A few of these fish have already arrived in the South Santiam and are being caught by anglers, with more arriving each day.
Spring chinook numbers have also surged in the last weeks with counts at Willamette Falls now exceeding 5,600 as of May 14. Now that we are beyond April 22, bait restrictions are lifted and anglers can use bait through the end of October.
More Reports
OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Reports
for Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024
Umatilla River: The spring Chinook fishery on the Umatilla River is open currently
Crescent Lake: Recent reports of good fishing for large brown and lake trou
Davis Lake: Anglers report excellent bass fishing along the reeds
East Lake: Lingering snow may limit access to some boat ramps
Haystack Reservoir: Haystack is currently at 68 percent full
Hood River: Hood River Report
Hosmer Lake: Hosmer Lake Report
Ochoco Reservoir: The reservoir is 97 percent full
Paulina Lake: Anglers report productive rainbow trout fishing and excellent kokanee fishing
Wickiup Reservoir: The reservoir is 72 percent full
Blue River: Will be stocked the week of May 20
Blue River Reservoir: Will be stocked the week of May 27
Detroit Reservoir: Recent rains have filled the reservoir almost to the top
Foster Reservoir: Will be stocked again this week
Gold Lake: Gold Lake fishing officially open for fishing May 22, 2024
Green Peter Reservoir: The water level in Green Peter continues to rise
McKenzie River: McKenzie River Report
Willamette River: Fishing for summer steelhead has been productive
Santiam River ( North Fork) : Spring chinook numbers increased dramatically over the last couple of weeks
Santiam River ( North Fork) Above Detroit Lake: lows are currently around 1,000 cfs
Lookingglass Creek opens May 24 for spring Chinook fishing
Lookingglass Creek
LA GRANDE, Ore. – Lookingglass Creek, a tributary to the Grande Ronde River at Palmer Junction, will open to fishing for...... Read More

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