Fish Report for 6-6-2024
Doug Busey Eastern Sierra Fishing Report

by Doug Busey
Hello fellow anglers. I wanted to thank all of the Kid Fishing Day committee members, the volunteers and our great community that gave so much, to make the 31st annual Douglas County Kids Fishing day a huge success last weekend. I would also like to congratulate the following young anglers that caught the biggest fish for their session. Jason Maas-6.89lbs, Judah Iaeger-6.83lbs, Wrennley Shine-5.51lbs- Steele Curry-3.37lbs, Lily Steele-2.59lbs, Clayton Maddon-2.51lbs, Rylan Hughes-1.07lbs. These were your trophy winners, but actually, we were all winners. The committee will now take a few weeks off and start planning for next year's event. If you would like to become a part of next year's derby. Go to for all the information. I must say, we timed that event perfectly and mother nature cooperated. Because this weekend will be in the mid to upper 90 degree temperatures. Wherever you venture out to. Make sure to bring plenty of water or Gatorade, and don't forget the sunscreen. Sodas and caffeinated drinks may make you feel cool and refreshed. But the caffeine drains your body of the fluids you need to keep hydrated. I am one of those people that will be getting out on the water this week. But I will be fishing from just before sunrise to about noon, and then back on the water about 6 to dark. A reminder that Saturday June 6th is free fishing day in Nevada. You will need to abide by all regulations for the body of water you are fishing, but a license is not required. Saturday is also Nevada State Parks day. All entrance fees will be waived, but there may be fees for camping or boat launching. As a note, our neighboring state of California will have their free fishing days on July 6th and August 31 this year.
SILVER LAKE: Renee and I ventured up last week for the morning. We did get there a little late. We started at 630, which we should have started about 5:15. Fishing was very slow to nil. We tried deep and shallow with Rapalas from an F5 to a J12 with no action. The lake level is full and the ramp is very accessible. Make sure to keep an eye on your depth finder. If you're not familiar with the lake. You may get a few snags or find one of those prop eating rocks or run aground on one of the jetties.
CAPLE LAKE: The lake level is up and the KGID day use and boat ramp is open. The Caples Lake Resort is open for launching and boat rentals . Tom and Gabby Schaeffer from Reno were staying at the resort last weekend and landed a nice Brown and a mackinaw. Best action has been by the Woods Creek or Immigrant Cove area. Rapalas or Thomas Buoyant spoons have been most productive. The lake is scheduled to be planted by the CDFW next week with catchable rainbow trout. For more information stop by the Caples Lake Resort.
RED LAKE: The lake level is up. I have not received any reports from anglers, nor have I fished it since it iced out.
BLUE LAKES: As of this week, the road was open to the third gate. But with our warming temperatures, that may change.
HOPE VALLEY FISHING ACCESS: The parking area is open, but the walk path and fishing platform are closed.
WOODS CREEK ACCESS: The lot is open for access to Caples Lake.
INDIAN CREEK RESERVOIR: The lake is at a caution level for blue green algae. Stay away from algae and scum in the water. Do NOT let pets go in the water, drink the water, or eat scum on the shore. Keep Children away from algae. If you fish the lake. Make sure to rinse your cleaned fish in fresh water before eating or freezing them.
CARSON RIVER WEST FORK ALPINE COUNTY: Fishing has been fair for anglers fishing out in the meadow in Hope Valley. Nightcrawlers or a single salmon egg has been productive. The river was flowing at 250 CFM this week in the valley. As many may know, the white bridge in Woodfords canyon is closed to vehicle traffic as a safety concern. The Alpine County F&G is scheduled to plant the river next week.
CARSON RIVER EAST FORK ALPINE COUNTY: The river is running clear with a little stain on it. This week it was running at 1150 CFM and may go higher this weekend. Fishing has been fair to good for anglers that don't mind a little hike. Spinners, mice tails or nightcrawlers have been most successful. In faster moving waters, ditch the powerbait and use power eggs. They are just as productive and would come off your hook every few casts Alpine County F&G has scheduled a plant for next week. For more information, or to get your picture taken with your catch. Stop by the Carson River Resort.
There are a lot of rafters and kayakers on the river right now. Be aware of them and use a little courtesy as they pass by.
TAYLOR CREEK-UPPER TRUCKEE RIVER-TROUT CREEK: All located on the south shore or Lake Tahoe is open to catch and release fishing with artificial lures or flies only.
TOPAZ LAKE: The lake level is the highest it has been in years. Early morning fishing on the south end where the drop off goes east and west has been successful for anglers with blades and a crawler, or pulling a Rapala right off the bottom. But be careful of the willows that are on top of the shoal. Shore anglers have been using salmon peach or chartreuse powerbait, but fishing has been slow.
NDOW FISH PLANTS: These are for the last two weeks.Davis Creek Pond-Mitch Pond- Seeman Pond-Mountain View Pond #1 and #2-Desert Creek- Carson River in douglas and Lyon counties-Wilson Common Pond. As a note, All the fish from Lampe Park kids derby went into Seeman Pond.
JUNE LAKE LOOP AREA: The Loop lakes every other week including this week. Usually, and assuming all their hatcheries are operating fully, they stock every week after Memorial Day through Labor Day then go back to every other week so we’ll keep an eye on that. Remember, there are other groups that bring in bigger Rainbows from Oregon from 1-1⁄2 pounds up to 8 pounds to augment the State stockings primarily before holiday weekends.
UPPER OWENS RIVER ABOVE BENTON'S CROSSING: As mentioned, this year’s Cutthroat run up from Lake Crowley has been one of the best we’ve seen in years although a bit different...... Most of the Cutts were in spots we haven’t seen them in for quite some time or never and not in places (or to a lesser amount) they’ve set up shop in the past ten years. Having not fished it for a couple weeks a secondary run, which sometimes happens, may have taken place. We’ll see next time out. Most caught were “Stray Cutts” in the deeper water below spawning runs with a beaded Yellow Spot nymph and a few on Wooly Buggers. When we do get back out there still may be some but not likely. So what’s next? Typically over the years when the Cutthroats have returned to Crowley it comes alive with Browns and Rainbows now that they’ve got the river back to themselves. We’ll continue nymphing the deeper bends and cut banks in the morning and switch to Caddis or Mayfly patterns for the afternoon. As the temps warm up we should see more hatches of both usually about mid-day. Are we going to see a good hopper season? Hope so! After last year’s no show it’s anyone's guess. If conditions are right we may start seeing them by late July into September producing some great top water action and drawing up some big Browns from Crowley to get in on the buffet. Fingers crossed! (Not while fishing though)
GULL AND JUNE LAKES: Gull has been fishing so well that we haven’t been on June Lake since the Opener. We’ll hit June soon to see what’s up. At Gull we’re getting 20 to 35 rainbows on half to all day trips releasing most. The usual suspects bait wise are Salmon Peach and Garlic (that’s the light green labeled just “Garlic” on the lid) Powerbaits, Mice Tails, Garlic Pinched Crawlers, a nightcrawler under a bobber, and red and gold Thomas Bouyants.
Good luck on your next fishing adventure. If you get a photo of your catch, send it to I hope to see you on the waters soon. Good fishin' and tight lines.

Good luck on your next fishing adventure. If you have a question. a report in our local fishing area or have a photo of your catch, send it to Hope to see you on the waters. Good fishin' and tight lines.
More Reports
Carson Now Reports
for Thursday, May 23rd, 2024Silver Lake: The lake has thawed out
Caples Lake: The lake has thawed out 85% as of last Wednesday
Red Lake: The lake is thawed as of this week
Blue Lake Lower: As of last Wednesday the road was still closed to the first gate
Burnside Lake: As of last Wednesday the road was still closed
Indian Creek Reservoir: Indian Creek Campground Update
West Carson River (CA): The river was running up to 300 cfm this week
East Carson River (CA): With our warming weather, it may get up to 1600 CFM
Carson Now Reports
for Thursday, May 9th, 2024Caples Lake: The lake is now showing some open waters along the edges
Woods Lake: Sill closed due to snow
Red Lake: The lake is thawing fast and has some thin areas around the edge
Burnside Lake: Road is closed due to snow
Blue Lake Lower: The road is still closed at the first gate
Indian Creek Reservoir: Indian Creek Reservoir Fishing Report
West Carson River (CA): The water was running at 300 cfm and the fishing was good too slow
East Carson River (CA): Fishing has been good along the river from Hangman's Bridge to the second bridge
Markleeville Creek: The river was running high on the opener but has calmed down a little
Silver Creek : The river has settled down and was running about 300 cfm with clarity
Topaz Lake: The lake level has started to come down a few feet over the last week or two
Bridgeport Reservoir: The lake level is up and the fishing has been good for shore and boat anglers
June Lake Loop: June Lake Loop Report

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