Temperature Swings on Crane Prairie

Crane Prairie Reservoir - Sunriver, OR (Deschutes County)

by The Fly Fishers Place

Crane Prairie comes with the same caveats as Hosmer. I know you can find cold water, but be responsible in that choice. Is the Channel cold? yes. But do you have to bring a fish up through 72 degree water to land them. If yes, then I don’t think it’s the right place to be fishing. But there are places in the Deschutes and Cultus area to completely avoid that temperature swing and stay in the safe zone on this hot days,. Also, go early. 
Balanced Leeches, Red 2 Bits, Black Double Down, Chironomids, Damsels Adults and Nymphs, Scuds and Water Boatman.

Upper Deschutes sites now open
Deschutes River- Upper

Good news from the USFS this afternoon that the Upper Deschutes boat ramps and access areas we use are back...... Read More