Upper Owens River Report

Owens River - Section 3 - Upper (above Crowley) - Eastern Sierra, CA (Mono County)

by The Trout Fitter Staff

Flows & Water Conditions- Good

Clarity- So-so below Hot Creek, but good above

CFS- 75

Click Here For Upper Owens Flow Rates

Fishing Report & Conditions: Good - Very Good

Something to be aware of - They are starting to put cows inside the fences. This is a normal occurrence, as grazing (historically done by Deer and Antelope) is an important part of the ecosystem. They move the cows every week or so, so it can affect water clarity and the amount of drifting weeds - Be on the lookout. The drifting slime weed problem is clearing up quickly, so fishing below the Hot Creek confluences has become more pleasant.

The crowds are growing and the dry fly action has slowed, but that doesn’t mean you have to dredge the bottom either. Hopper-droppers are working well with small #20-24 mayfly nymphs. The migratory Browns and stocked Rainbows are now spread throughout the public water.

Caddis migration starts around 7. The Trico emergence is less consistent now, starting around 9 AM. Craneflies are now emerging mid-morning. We are also seeing minnows and fry hanging out in the drowned grass on the inside of the river bends. Evenings are good for male Tricos, Caddis hatches, and Caddis egg-laying.


  • Dries: Spider Variant Trico #20-22 | Parachute Caddis #16-22 | Spent Partridge Caddis #16-22 | Parachute Kicking Hopper #10-14 | Assorted Foam Hoppers #8-12 for Hopper Dropper Rigs |
  • Nymphs: Tungsten Psycho May PMD #14-16 | Drowned Trico Spinner #18-22 | Bead Head Flashback Pheasant Tail #14-22 | Guides Choice #14-18 | Translucent Pupa Olive or Tan #16-18 | Chamois Caddis #16-20 | Spring Creek Hopper #12-16 | San Juan Worm | M/Pardi F/B Olive #18-20 | Weiss BP Light #18-20 | 
  • Streamers: Keslars H/B/G Olive | Punk Perch #16 |  Crostons MRS Natural #12 |

The Trout Fitter Reports
for Thursday, August 8th, 2024
Owens River: Upper Owens River Updates
Hot Creek: Hopper Fishing is Picking Up
East Walker River (CA): Fishing Could Pick Up Considerably
Owens River - Lower: It's a Grind to Find Fish
San Joaquin River-Middle Fork: Improved Fishing and a Good Mixture of Hatches