Klamath River - Lower Fish Report for 8-22-2024
Fishing was good over the weekend and this week
Klamath River - Lower - Klamath, CA (Humboldt County)

by Kenny Priest
The river is slightly off color this week with a couple feet or so of visibility, but it didn’t seem to slow the steelhead bite down. Fishing was good over the weekend and this week, with lots of half-pounders and adults in the lower river. Some salmon are starting to show as well. The rain coming this weekend has the potential to bring more sediment from upriver and could potentially blow it out for a few days. Flows are prediction to go from 2,500 cfs to 3,200 cfs on the lower Klamath gauge. The daily bag limit is two hatchery steelhead or hatchery trout per day on both the Klamath and Trinity rivers, with a possession limit of four. Anglers must have a Steelhead Fishing Report and Restoration Card in their possession while fishing for steelhead trout in anadromous waters More information can be found here.
Find "Fishing the North Coast" on Facebook and fishingthenorthcoast.com for up-to-date fishing reports and North Coast river information. Questions, comments and photos can be emailed to kenny@fishingthenorthcoast.com.
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