The Middle Deschutes is prime now

Deschutes River - Maupin, OR

by The Fly Fishers Place

The Middle Deschutes is prime now, from Bend all the way below Steelhead Falls to lake Billy Chinook. 
Most of the same hatch activity as the Lower Deschutes with BWO’s being added to the mix in a big way in the evening. They are mostly a #20 and you need an emerger, cripple and dun for that. PMD’s #16, Tan Caddis #16, Grey Caddis #14, Black Caddis #18 and don’t forget your Purple Haze and Renegades in a #14-16. 
Nymph action is darn good whether you want to go Euro style or Indicator style. If you do the Indy, we recommend the NZ Wool Indicator for the ultimate sensitivity.

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The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Saturday, August 24th, 2024

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McKenzie River: The McKenzie is going to be freaking awesome this week
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Last night I got this text from our guide Steve Erickson  As of about 5:44 this evening. The water in the...... Read More