Santiam River ( North Fork) Fish Report for 9-25-2024
Fish the Lower Sections of the River for Coho
Santiam River ( North Fork) - Stayton, OR

by OR Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
River levels best for fishing are at or below 3,000 cfs, and the river is currently running at around 1,600 cfs at the gauge in Mehama. These flows should be the norm until the fall rains begin.
Most of the summer steelhead have migrated up into the river and are working their way towards the upper sections of the river where water temperatures are coolest. This year's summer steelhead run is the strongest since 2016 with over 4,800 4adults already counted at Stayton. Summer steelhead can be active throughout September and October.
Coho salmon have started to migrate into the Willamette. The last few days have seen several hundred fish passing above Willamette Falls every day. Counts at Willamette Falls have jumped considerable and are already at 10,700 as of Sept. 16, with many more still expected to arrive. At this early stage in the run, your best bet is in the lower sections of the river where fish are more concentrated. Coho harvest is currently restricted to sections of the river below the Stayton-Scio bridge until Oct. 15.
Fishing for spring Chinook is now closed. Anglers may see spawning or spawned out salmon in the river. Please give these fish enough distance to complete their life cycle. Don't let dogs to eat or chew on salmon carcasses as these contain a toxin that can be lethal to dogs.
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