East Lake Is a Lot Better!

East Lake - La Pine, OR (Deschutes County)

by The Fly Fishers Place

East Lake has been a lot better, and fishing conditions are similar to Paulina with the afternoon terrestrial bite going well with Ants and Beetles. Colder nights have done something to waken the fish to realize winter is coming and now is the time to eat. 
Leeches and Balanced Minnows and Chub looking streamers are good and ought to be good or even improving as we march through our last 3 weeks of the season. Wade fishing the edges from EL CG to the White Slide is just as good as boating, and in fact EL is one of our best wade fishing lakes in the region.

More Reports

The Fly Fishers Place Reports
for Saturday, October 5th, 2024

Metolius River: Trends and Conditions on the Metolius
Deschutes River- Lower: The Lower Deschutes is good!
Deschutes River: Rising Water Levels on the Middle Deschutes
Deschutes River- Upper: Closures on the Upper Deschutes
Crooked River: The Crooked River is fabulous!
Fall River: Fall River has been darn good this week!
McKenzie River: The McKenzie is fishing really well
Little Lava Lake: Little Lava was our best lake destination this week!
Paulina Lake: Crazy Days on Paulina Lake

I can’t believe that we arrived to Paulina today and docks have been removed. There is an entire damn month...... Read More