The Virginias have started to produce some fish!

Virginia Lakes - Bridgeport, CA (Mono County)

by Jim Reid

The Virginias have started to produce some fish again with bait and lures, the bait anglers are using power bait, mice tails and pinched crawlers and the lure anglers are using Sierra Slammers, Hook-Up Baits and Kastmasters. It’s a bit chilly up there so be sure and dress the part.         

More Reports

Kens Sporting Goods Reports
for Sunday, October 20th, 2024

East Walker River: The East is Still Fishing Pretty Well!
Hunewill Pond: The pond is also still fishing very well!
Bridgeport Reservoir: Still Kicking Out Some Good Fish!
Kirman Lake: No News From Kirman
Twin Lakes (Bridgeport): The Twins have started to liven up a bit!
West Walker River (CA): Still Kicking Out Some Nice Fish!